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Hello all! I hope all is well. I'm back with a new update. I have been participating in NaNoWriMo and am super excited that I have written three whole episodes ahead which will probably translate to about six or seven future updates. It will take some editing but love the opportunity to just get the words on the page. Now...who's ready for more Kai and John!?

Happy Reading!

Grace Under Pressure

Kai was attempting once again to finish up the changes to the sensors. It had become increasingly difficult to find time to work on them. Only Weir and Sheppard knew of her plans to leave and so it was difficult to motivate Zelenka to finish the project in a timely manner. It continued to be bumped back as more urgent projects came up.

Just two days prior there had been a bomb that threatened the safety of everyone on Atlantis. While Zalenka monitored one of the search parties she had begun the arduous task of going through the cities command codes line by line. It took hours but she finally found the line that identified Colonel Caldwell as the perpetrator. Sheppard and Ronon had quickly figured out he was possessed by a Goa'uld. A parasitic alien from Sheppard's galaxy. Kai had never seen anything like it, the parasite had full control over the Colonel's thoughts and actions. Once they were able to expel it they got the codes and saved the city. But once again the sensors were pushed off another day.

When Kai stepped into the Jumper bay that morning it felt like the Mortii fighter was mocking her. It had been five days since the Mortii assassin attacked. The High Council couldn't know of their existence and Atlantis needed a way to protect themselves once she was gone. She needed to keep her friends safe from the Mortii.

McKay and Zelenka had tried to rope her into helping on a repair project with one of the damaged jumpers. It went against everything in her, but she turned them down in lu of getting the work on the sensors done. She genuinely wanted to help, but she recognized that she would be leaving soon and they needed to be able to keep up the jumpers without her. Every day she was here was another day the Mortii could find her.

They all worked together in the bay for several hours. Kai was beyond frustrated. The new system in the Mortii computers weren't compatible with the Lantean technology in the city and it made it almost impossible to access the ships array. Zelenka and McKay however completed their project well ahead of hers and with a smug wave McKay boarded the jumper for its test flight. Everything was a competition with him.

Kai impatiently brushed a strand of hair back from her face, smudging grease across one cheek. Radek flashed a small smile of acknowledgement her way before heading up to the control room to monitor the flight. Kai slid back under the fighter with an impatient huff. It had only been a little over two years since she worked on Mortii ships, she couldn't believe how fast they had updated the network. She snatched up a wrench and began twisting off the bolts holding the bottom plating in place. If she couldn't access the network array through their systems she would have to do it the old fashion way.

She was almost halfway done when a small alarm began beeping on her tablet. She frowned and pushed herself out from under the fighter. She picked up her tablet as the alarm continued to chirp. She brushed her hair back from her face and tapped in her passcode.

The screen opened to show her Jumper 6 had a malfunction in one of the drive pods. She went cold. Jumper 6 was the one McKay had just taken out for a test flight with one of their newer pilots.

Kai tucked the tablet under her arm and touched her comm. "Radek this is Kai come in please."

"I'm sorry Kai, I can't talk right now," came Radek's uncharacteristically gruff reply and her comm deactivated.

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