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Hello all thank you so much for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story!

Thirty-Eight Minutes

"Doctor Zelenka come in," Kai could hear Weir's voice clearly through Zelenka's personal comm.

The two had been working in Zelenka's lab on maximizing the generators output all day. After the debacle yesterday in the mess hall, Kai was happy to hide away from everyone and focus on work. She knew she was here on borrowed time and she didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to herself.

The tone in Weir's voice however made her think something serious had happened.

"Yes this is Doctor Zelenka," the scientist responded touching his ear to activate his radio.

Although Kai was sitting three feet away, she could hear Doctor Weir's voice as clearly as though the comm were in her own ear. "Doctor we have an emeregency. Jumper one has become lodged in the stargate with one of it's drivepods still extended. It's aft section has crossed the event horizon. I would like you and several others to meet in the conference room to work this problem."

"Understood,' Zelenka replied.

Kai had already snapped her laptop shut and stood ready to assist in whatever way she could.

Zelenka pushed his glasses back up his nose nervously. "C-Come with me," he stammered turning towards the door.

"But she said-" Kai started to argue.

"Doesn't matter," Zelenka said. He hurried to the transporter and when the doors opened into the jumper bay instead of the gate room, Kai frowned at him. It was very unlike Zelenka to go against orders. It was one of the things she enjoyed most about working with the quiet scientist. He was nothing if not predictable.

"We have less than half an hour before the worm hole closes," was his only explanation. His hands were practically dancing in the air in agitation. "I need one of those down." He said motioning to the jumpers that were still in storage position. "Quickly please," he said his accent thicker with stress.

Quickly understanding Kai climbed up the ladder without further hesitation. She had moved jumpers around the hanger before. Since they discovered she had the gene Zelenka had slowly been introducing her to all different kinds of technology she might encounter in the city. It had been so long since she flew anything, and even just moving their small shuttles around the hanger was better than nothing.

She expertly dropped the jumper into position in the middle of the bay and opened the rear hatch. By the time she shut down the controls Zelenka already had the circuit doors open on both sides and was plugging in his tablet.

"I need you to connect," he muttered tossing another cord towards her.

Kai caught it one handed and plugged in. She set her laptop on the seat below where he was working and dropped down to sit on the ground as he began testing relays.

Her computer was pulled straight into his program. It began mapping the pathways automatically building a schematic from his work.

"Once this is mapped-" Zelenka broke off into a string of what Kai had been told was Czech, his native tongue. After a few moments he refocused and glanced down at her. "Please make sure every pathway is mapped. If we miss a single one-"

"Understood," Kai replied briskly without looking up.

Ten minutes later Doctor Weir stepped through the bay doors. "Doctor Zelenka," she called.

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