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Summer is unfortunately the busiest time for me for work but I had a little free time and missed Kai and John. I hope you enjoy the update!

Happy Reading!


Surprisingly it took less than an hour from the moment the Ancients took control of Atlantis for General O'Neill and Mr. Woolsey to step through the Gate. The IOA made an uncharacteristically rapid decision that the two of them would represent earth's interests in negotiations with the returning Ancients.

It was made immediately clear anyone who had been residing on Atlantis was not welcome in the meeting. Mr. Woolsey, General O'Neill, Helia and a very smug looking Taurus closed the door to the conference room, blocking the rest of them from following.

Elizabeth and Teyla still seemed to be in shock, but McKay and Sheppard had spend enough time with the Ancients on the flight back to Atlantis to not be surprised by their hostile take over. Kai excused herself early on, wanting to continue to keep as much distance between herself and the new Ancients as possible, she headed down to the lab to catch up with Zelenka.

"You should be in there," McKay grumbled pacing around Elizabeth's office.

Through Elizabeth's windows they could watch O'Neill and Woolsey speaking with Helia, but unless one of them learned to read lips they were left in the dark about the nature of the meeting. Elizabeth shrugged, half wishing she had thought to ask Kai to stay and wondering if her hearing would have been good enough to permeate the conference room's doors. "I don't know what I could say at this point that would make any difference. Helia's intentions were clear from the moment she set foot on Atlantis."

"You're right," John agreed, leaning back in the chair with his feet up on Elizabeth's desk giving the illusion of relaxation when in reality his body was wound tightly in preparation for the upcoming fight. "They want us out of here," he said bitterly. As much as he hated it, he had accepted the fact that the Ancients' return wasn't all it was cracked up to be on the flight back to Atlantis, although he hadn't expected this kind of hostility.

John was grouchy not just because of the ancients, but also because he had barely seen Kai over the last nine days. They had worked to avoid being seen alone together, not wanting to generate any suspicion from Caldwell, especially after the way the meeting had gone on earth. As much as John chafed at authority, he knew when he was in danger of crossing the line. A report from Caldwell so soon after Elizabeth's might not just affect him, but could also jeopardize Kai's place here, and that was something he would never risk.

"But why?" McKay groused, dropping down into the chair beside Sheppard. "There are maybe a hundred of them or so? They could use us, they might even need us."

John arched a brow. "What if you were forced from your home by war, only to return to find someone on your couch, eating your Cheetos, watching your TV?" He challenged.

McKay cleared his throat. "I'd be fine with that," he said unconvincingly.

"No you wouldn't," Sheppard countered.

O'Neill and Woolsey came out of the meeting room. Sheppard shot to his feet. "How go the talks, sir?" He asked as the two men entered Elizabeth's office. Over their shoulder the Ancients disappeared into the control room.

"No talks, listening is what we did," General O'Neill said and it was clear by his tone he was less than impressed with how it went.

"It was essentially a transitional meeting," Mr. Woolsey explained. "They needed to know how much time we need to vacate the city."

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now