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Hello friends! It's been a while since I've updated. I'm so sorry. I participated in NaNoWriMo last month and spent most of my writing time working to get words on the page and not a lot of time editing. I hope you enjoy this update. This is a LONG one, maybe the longest I have put out. I probably should have split it in two but I was too excited to get it out to you now that it's done. Just please be sure to comment! I love hearing from you guys.

While this episode doesn't contribute much in the grand picture of Kai and John's story, it's always been one of my favorites and from the first time I watched it, I was excited to work Kai into the story.

Happy Reading!


John trotted down the hallway to catch up with Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, we may have a situation," he told her without preamble.

Elizabeth turned and arched a brow, encouraging the Colonel to continue. Sheppard wasn't prone to exaggeration which meant the situation was likely serious judging by the grim expression on his face. McKay jogged around the corner, breathing heavily as he worked to keep up.

"Major Leonard's team, they're late returning from M1B-129," Sheppard explained.

Elizabeth frowned. "We sent them there to check out..." she dragged off thoughtfully. "An unusual energy reading, correct?" Elizabeth asked with a frown. If she remembered correctly they had not been gone much more than a few hours.

"An anomalous spike the MALP picked up in a gate scout," McKay clarified. "The planet is uninhabited, but I thought it warranted a closer look."

"The point is," Sheppard said, shooting McKay a glare as he drew the conversation back to the topic at hand. "They missed a check-in. They're now six hours overdo."

"We tried to reach them by radio but the signal is intermittent at best. Just a lot of static. Could have something to do with the anomaly, but I'm not sure," McKay explained.

"It could be serious, and I don't want to take a chance. I want to take our team and go investigate," Sheppard told her.

"Of course," Elizabeth agreed without hesitation. "-but I think Teyla is still on the mainland. Take Kai instead, if she is inclined, as well as an additional marine unit...and the good doctor Beckett, just in case," she said turning to face Sheppard.

This would be the first off world mission he and Kai did together since going public with their relationship two weeks ago. Weir watched Sheppard's face closely to see how he would respond to being told to take Kai into a potentially dangerous situation. Not that Weir expected him to put her in danger unnecessarily, but she also needed to know that he would use Kai's strengths when the situation called for it, and not show favoritism or try to shield her.

"You got it," Sheppard responded. He flashed her a cheeky grin as though he knew she had been trying to test him. He and McKay went in opposite directions to notify the teams and get ready.


An hour later the large group stepped through the gate onto M1B-129. Ronon and Kai took point, securing the area as the marines fanned out around them. John slowed once they were all through. He reached up and touched his comm. "Major Leonard, this is Sheppard come in." All that came through the earpiece was static. Sheppard tried twice more without any change. "These things are useless," Sheppard muttered.

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