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John woke before dawn. He jerked awake, immediately feeling guilty for sleeping so long. Kai was still wrapped around him, her face tucked into the crook of his neck her warm breath fanning his neck as she slept. As much as he enjoyed the position, he forced his stiff muscles to his feet. He laid Kai down onto the sleeping pallet. He needed to try and find them supplies. He moved slowly so he wouldn't wake her. When he laid her down she grumbled softly in the back of her throat and tried to shift close to him again.

He swallowed thickly as he stared down at her. Despite the bruises and blood she looked so beautiful it made his chest ache. Unable to stop himself he reached up and tucked a strand of wavy hair behind her ear. His fingers glided gently across her skin and she turned into him.

"John," she mumbled his name in her sleep and it was like a kick in the gut. His fingers hovered over her skin for another second and he frowned. Was her skin warmer than it should be? They had both been so cold and wet for so long it seemed odd for her skin to feel warm.

He pulled his hand back and frowned down at her. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully but he had the irrational urge to wake her up and check on her.

He shook it off and turned back to their few remaining supplies. Neither of them had eaten in over twenty-four hours and they hadn't left any food here. There was only one remaining canteen and he set it outside the cave to collect rain run off. He wasn't sure if it was safe to drink, but it was their only option.

John hated waiting, but that was all there was to do. If Atlantis had sent a rescue team the earliest it would arrive would be the following day. Kai woke a few hours later and they sat together and watched the rain.

Kai pushed herself to her feet and grimaced as white hot pain shot through her.

"What?" John asked, he wanted to reach for her to help her, but knew she wouldn't appreciate it.

Kai sat back down on one of the containers. "It's just my leg," she said, waving it off. She was trying not to think too hard about how extensive the muscle damage might be. They had incredible medical technology back on Atlantis, but the clock was ticking.

"Let me take a look," John said moving closer. He knelt down in front of her and carefully unwrapped the scarf. Kai locked her jaw and didn't so much as wince as he pulled the fabric away from the wound. John kept his face perfectly blank as he noted how puffy the bruised skin around the wound looked. He gently laid the backs of his fingers against the skin beside it. "There's some heat and swelling," he told her. "But the scarf looks like it's protected it from the worst of the mud." He was careful to re-wrap it so the cleanest part of the fabric was against the wound.

Kai nodded and leaned her head back against the wall. John handed her the canteen and she took a few small sips.

He grunted in the back of his throat. "You might as well drink it all, we have water as long as it's raining. It's the only upside of this crappy planet."

Kai nodded and obliged him. She was too tired to do anything but agree. All she had done was sleep but it didn't seem to help. Her ribs ached whenever she moved and the pounding in her head hadn't gone away. She leaned forward to hand him the water bottle. Her ribs twinged again and she tightened her jaw against it.

"Ribs?" he asked, frowning at her.

She nodded, pushing herself back. "The Wraith got in a lucky shot."

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now