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Welcome guys to the exciting conclusion of Michael. I really struggled writing this episode for some reason, but have been enjoying the new direction John and Kai are headed, I hope you have too.

Happy Reading!

Michael Cont.

"We can't keep him here, it's too dangerous," Weir said grimly as she stood before the gathered group in the conference room for the third time in twenty-four hours. Once again Michael was the topic at hand.

It was late now and everyone was tired. Sheppard and his team, plus Beckett and Doctor Heightmeyer has gathered to make the decision about what to do now that Michael had attacked and killed Sergeant Cole. Michael was currently sleeping off a stunning down in the cell while his fate was being decided. Both Kai and Major Lorne were standing guard personally to ensure everyone's safety.

"Then we take him to the Alpha site. Sedate first so he won't know where it is," Sheppard said without hesitation. He had been thinking long and hard about this and they needed to get Michael out of here before things went from bad to worse.

"And then what?" Ronon asked harshly.

"Continue with the drug treatments," Beckett suggested quickly. It really was their only option at this point. He could feel the tension in the room and was fairly certain the direction Ronon was leaning. He only hoped to convince Elizabeth they had options other than murder.

"Continue?" Ronon spat out in disbelief. They had caught It standing over the body of one of their own. He couldn't believe they were even having this conversation. Sheppard should have let him put It down right there before it could hurt anyone else.

Weir held her hand up placatingly. "Doctor Beckett was about to increase the dosage," she said quickly. "Hopefully that will be effective in eliminating any Wraith impulses."

"Why are we even talking about this? He killed one of our people. We should just kill him now," Ronon growled. He hated that It was still alive and he hated even more that he was stuck in a meeting discussing this and leaving Kai guarding the thing by herself.

There were probably marines around but they wouldn't count against a hungry Wraith and It had already shown interest in her. It was baffling to him that Sheppard could sit here so calm knowing she didn't have any real backup once that thing woke up.

"We can't just kill him Ronon," Doctor Heightmeyer spoke up sternly. "We're the ones who put him in this position." It was surprising to everyone in the room to see the steely resolve in the normally soft spoken doctors face.

"Hold on a minute Doc," Sheppard said holding his hand up before Ronon really lost his temper. "Had we not given him the retrovirus he would still be a wraith and we wouldn't think twice about killing him."

Teyla's quiet simmering temper had finally reached it's limits. She swung on The Colonel, her brown eyes glittering with outrage. "But we did give him the retrovirus, we made him human, now we have the responsibility to treat him as we would any other-"

"HE'S NOT HUMAN!" Ronon roared shoving himself to his feet. "He's a wraith!" He was panting with his barely contained desire to hunt and kill the threat in their territory.

Everyone fell silent. Ronon in a full rage was intimidating and only Sheppard would look him in the eye. He jerked his chin and Ronon dropped back down into his chair with a huff and crossed his massive arms over his chest.

Weir took a grounding breath, she hadn't expected to be so intimidated by Ronon. It made her uncomfortable. She smoothed her hands down her thighs and turned back to face Beckett. "Carson, do you think it's worth continuing with the treatments?" Weir asked gently.

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