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So this next part is one I have been looking forward to writing since I first considered writing this fanfic. I am beyond excited for this. I hope you are as excited as I am!

Happy Reading!


Kai was in the infirmary. Again. It was beginning to become an uncomfortable habit and the nursing staff had become so accustom to her they were no longer intimidated by her scowls.

"Hold still," the nurse admonished as she treated the burn on Kai's arm.

Kai grunted in annoyance. Had she been working on the jumper alone she wouldn't have even bothered going to the infirmary. But Zelenka had been there when her bicep grazed the hot drive pod and he made a big deal out of it.

The nurse wrapped her upper arm in gauze and told her not to get it wet and to take the rest of the afternoon off, which they both knew Kai wasn't going to do. The burn was entirely superficial, barely second degree, and she was anxious to get back to work. She had almost restored a power core in one of the jumpers they had previously thought was beyond repair. If she and Zelenka could manage that there was a chance of them being able to utilize many others that had been abandoned.

The doors to her left hissed opened and a full medical team rushed Colonel Sheppard in on a stretcher. Kai straightened, her eyes narrowing in concern.

"This really isn't necessary Doc," Sheppard griped. The agitation in his voice made Kai release the breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"Yes it is," Beckett argued. "You've got a serious laceration on your arm and you've lost a lot of blood."

"Yeah well enjoy the ride Colonel," McKay huffed stomping along beside the gurney. "They're making me walk."

"You've got a splinter Rodney!" Beckett exclaimed.

"Yes," McKay agreed, sitting down on the bed across from John. "A very nasty, painful splinter."

"All right, let's have a look at this," Beckett said, gingerly cutting away the blood soaked bandaged the encircled the Colonel's forearm.

John wasn't paying attention however, instead his eyes zeroed in on Kai, sitting on one of the beds further down. He frowned at seeing her back in the infirmary. His gaze met hers briefly and then fell to the gauze looped around her arm. His eyes met hers again and he arched his brows questioningly.

Kai glanced down at her arm and back at him and shrugged so he would know it was no big deal.

He smirked. Kai could find trouble anywhere.

Beckett grabbed up a swab and dunked it in antiseptic. "This might hurt a wee bit," Carson warned Sheppard though the Colonel was barely paying attention to him.

"Ow! Ow!" Rodney exclaimed as a nurse pulled his splinter.

Sheppard glanced away from
Kai and towards McKay in disbelief. It was just a splinter for Christ sake. "I'm sure it will," he agreed.

"This doesn't sting?" Beckett asked in concern as he cleaned the area.

"No," Sheppard replied casually, still distracted by all the movement around the infirmary.

"I know you have a high threshold for pain but this..." Beckett dragged off with a shake of his head.

"This is what?" Sheppard asked turning to look down at his arm in concern.

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