Chapter 2

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(Ashborn POV)

I was a monarch in my former life. Powerful existence with an immense amount of mana that can destroy worlds. But right now I'm pleased about the sole single thing.

I can crawl.

My brother also learned how to crawl. I could enhance my body with mana but I want to do it without the help of mana. To this day I could only move... no I was carried by my mother or my father.

When my brother and I were sitting on our father's lap, he was always telling us some stories about his old days.

It turned out that my father Raynolds Leywin was an adventurer earlier. Also, he seems to have a lot of experience before. To explain the profession of adventurers, I would say that they are similar to hunters.

He was a part of various parties that went on expeditions to search for treasure and carry out missions they acquired from the Adventurer Guild. He in the end settled down when he met my mother at the Kingdom's border in a city called Valden.

He proudly told us how our mother fell head over heels for him at first sight, when he visited the town's Adventurer Guildhall that she had been working at that time.

I knew he was lying because I could sense it, but after our mother slapped his back and told him to stop lying, I was 100% sure.

By the way, I'm now Ashborn Leywin. Ash for short just like my brother's Art. For a former Shadow Monarch who could control the dead this name was too childish.

But it doesn't matter to me. I wanted to live as a human, and since for humans, giving nicknames is okay, I will bear with it. Well, I kinda also like that they call me Ash, it feels like I'm part of their family.

I and my brother both have the same appearances. We got our mother's radiant auburn hair while our eyes were a bright azure color, inherited from our father. I don't know much about the preferences of this world, but in the former one, a lot of female's would fall for it.

Well, our crawling sessions together with my brother will be concluded soon, due to the fact that our mother is coming for us.

"I swear, you're going to become as hard to manage as your father."


For a time I observed my brother. I can surely say that he isn't an ordinary child, possibly he is like me. He is already reading books...

Unlike me, he reads books and did not just observe our surroundings. Cunning move, I myself never considered this.

I as well started to read books, and I learned quite a lot. Currently, we are in a human kingdom called Sapin.

There are three nations in total.

"The Continent of Dicathen comprises three major Kingdoms: The Forest Kingdom of Elenoir in the North, The Underground Kingdom of Darv nearing the southern border, and The Kingdom of Sapin, located on the eastern border of the continent. There also exists the Beast Glades, of which a large percentile remains a mystery. Not much of the Beast Glades have been traversed due to the abundance of beasts hostile to travelers as well as each other. Yet, every year, countless expeditions have been made due to the tempting riches one could reap......."


"....The Kingdom of Elenoir is the homeland of the Elf race, located deep in the Forest of Elshire where thick mist naturally forms deterring all but the elves, who, with their acute senses, can navigate freely..."


"...The Kingdom of Darv is a network of underground passages and enormous caves that can span up to several kilometers, whereupon the Dwarvin race reside."

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