Chapter 53

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Long shadows were formed on the earth by the setting sun. The sky was tinted a warm orange by the setting sun's slanting beams.

The citizens of Alacrya were finishing their jobs, closing up their shops, and doing various other activities.

Many people simply entered their homes and locked their doors, leaving cities and towns deafeningly silent. Reason? Maybe it was fear of the war that was soon to come.

Seris Vritra and Ashborn Leywin chose to depart from Highblood Denoir's manor about this time. They took a stroll across the streets together. With slow and calm steps without creating any sounds, they began walking towards a nearby relictomb.

"Let's do a quick rundown of your plan. First, you are going to restore your magical capabilities entirely. This will take a few months. Second, you will attack Agrona's castle to send both Asuras and Vritras a message. I still don't understand why. Isn't it better to attack them with their guards down?" Seris still wasn't sure about Ashborn's plans, because they were so explicit.

"I'm creating an opening. If I scatter their forces across the continents, this will create an opening for the final attack on Epheotus." Ashborn clarified.

His explanation was just a facade. It was partly true, as, for the Shadow Army, it was better to scatter the Asuras across the globe and devour them one by one.

The first step in this plan is to save Arthur and then annihilate Asuras with their own army. Ashborn is still storing Asuras' corpses in his storage, intending to call them on the battlefield after fixing his Black Heart.

"I still can't get over the fact that you have a personal army in your shadow." Seris put her hand on her face in defeat.

"Not only in my shadow..."

"That's even worse!" she exclaimed.

An embarrassing story short: Cylrit was always with her, 'even at that time'. Constantly observing her, every action she did.

"Why are you so embarrassed? Wasn't Cylrit your loyal retainer?"

"Yes, but that's different!" Seris blushed. Meanwhile, the King of the Dead pondered. It wasn't that serious matter during wars, right?

"Anyway, we've arrived." The woman announced upon noticing the entrance of the Relictomb.

"You may now disembark from my escort. Anyway, please convey my gratitude to the girl," the auburn-haired man lifted the bag in his hand, which was full of the food.

"Yeah, I'll do it. Good luck with the relictombs." Seris vanished from the scene after blurring from her position.

Ashborn sighed and shifted his gaze to the edifice ahead of him. He tossed the sack into his shadow and took a step forward, preparing himself for the upcoming voyage.


[Claire Bladeheart's POV]

After the dungeon expedition with class, when we have abruptly teleported away, some of my classmates and I fell asleep right in the academy, because of some spell that was inflicted upon us.

We are now completely awake, but my memories of what happened are insufficient to tell what happened.

Except for Arthur, we were all together. We still have no idea what happened to him, but we should find out today. Tessia is agitated and has made a specific request; her grandfather has even stated that he will personally inform us.

"It seems that everyone is here," the former king of Elenoir entered the medical bay, along with my uncle and Director Goodsky.

"Your Majes-!" we couldn't properly greet the man, as we were halted by him. He motioned us just to listen.

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