Chapter 43

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(Arthur's POV)

"It's your shift now, Arthur." Claire told me and I just heavily sighed, it was my turn to patrol around the school.

"Yeah, I'll go right now." I exited the DC room and started wandering around the school.

I had finally time to ponder about this badge that Ash gave me. Items that could forcefully increase a person's strength, not damaging the body nor giving any side effects. Anyone would dream of such a precious thing and here he gives it away to people he doesn't even know. I don't know if there are any safety measurements in it, but this is still bizarre.

From the period I know my brother, I noticed that he hates doing things without the reasons and benefits behind them. I don't judge him because of such ideals, I approve of them myself. But he was just too socially awkward before, maybe he changed and gifted a bunch of teens items countries would fight for?

Like hell, I would believe this. There was definitely a reason behind it, why would he even start a class to teach 'how to survive'? Director may have had hands in this matter, but Ash was always doing things on his own, he had the strength and mainly those black soldiers...

Illusions or not, all of them were solid and fought against other students with ease. That humanoid-ant meanwhile could wreck us in seconds, but it complied with Ash's commands, which either meant it has personality or Ash played with illusion.

I never heard of such magic, so Ash could have created something from his own experience.

While many similar thoughts flooded my mind, I almost forgot about my duty of patrolling school grounds.

"Psst! Silence, someone is coming." I heard someone whispering near the corner of the building.

I walked towards sounds and when I turned to the corner to see someone aiming a punch to my face, I on instinct ducked underneath.

"Shit! It's a DC officer!" One who attacked me cursed after viewing my attire, it was just some noble black-haired boy from what I could see.

Before he could run away, I caught him by the collar and didn't let him go. Behind him was another bunch of students, they looked shocked and were trying to cover something behind their backs.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Yelled black-haired boy, without words I let him go but knocked him down with the kick on his feet.

"Attacking a DC Officer, without initiative on duel is strictly prohibited, you will get punishment nonetheless. Now, what are you hiding?" I turned to three boys, they gritted their teeth at me, and pulling their hands forward, and started casting spells.

'Why did I even agree to this job?' I questioned myself. If I knew about Ash creating his own class, I would refuse Cynthia's offer and take on my brother's, but that old hag played a trick on me...

"Take this!" One of the boys shouted and threw some fireball towards me, which I blocked with an augmented palm.

"Sorry, I don't have time to play around." Before others could finish their spells, I dashed behind them bonking on their heads, knocking all of them out in an instant.

"Now it's time to notify others and take you to custody." I told them and activated a special dagger we DC Members received.

While I was waiting for the other committee members to arrive, I kept my eyes on unconscious students. In the process, I couldn't help but wonder why humans hate other races so much, especially those nobles. Every day there were new cases which could be considered as discrimination, nothing new to be honest...

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