Chapter 6

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(Ashborn POV)

When I woke up, the first thing that I felt was sadness around me. Mother, Father, and Twin-horns all of them wore a sad expression.

I felt the same way, but I had different reasons.

'How could I trust that voice? Why did I stop channeling mana? How is Arthur now? ' I kept asking myself those questions.

I had problems with using mana right now. The reason for that was of course strain on my body. A big amount of mana for such a young body is like venom. If I used even more than that my body would most likely explode... yes explode.

We reached teleportation gates on those damn mountains a day later I woke up. My mother calmed down after the incident, but she is still feeling down. Same with my father. But no matter what they have to continue and they know that.

They have to raise another child that is still not born... Also me... They won't leave me, right?

After we separated from Twin-horns we teleported into Xyrus City. There we met a friend of my father's.

Vincent Helstea, a thin proper man with glasses and parted hair in a suit, is how I will describe him.

Tabitha Helstea, the wife of Vincent.

And Lilia Helstea their daughter.

They happily accepted and offered us shelter and meals. Father started working for Vincent as Chief Guard Of The Helstea Auction House. It seems that somehow they are at least getting over the incident.

I, on the other hand, knew very well that Arthur was alive. After I rested up a little bit, I was able to at least try and sense mana.

And fortunately, the mana that I left on Arthur is still responding. I as well, identified that Arthur was for some reason happy?

'I guess that mysterious voice wasn't actually that bad... ' I commented in my mind.

That mysterious voice was suspicious, but for an individual like me, it doesn't matter how mysterious it is. As long as Arthur is all right, I don't care.

Father also started training me more roughly, always telling me that I should become stronger. I complied because I didn't want to upset him. He and I were training with other guards of the Helstea Auction House.

Soon the month will be up, If Arthur doesn't come back. I'll go and search for him myself. My mana is still on Arthur, and it shouldn't be a trouble to at least find direction.

It will be hard to find the exact location of Art, but I'll manage that.

Besides, I didn't want to use something, nor I ever planned to use it anywhere else. Yet circumstances are forcing me.

Forget it. for now, I'll just wait.


A month and a few weeks passed.

Still nothing from Arthur. Evidently, I'm by now concerned.

But Arthur is still alive. The last time when I tried to feel my mana it changed course and if my guess is true then...

Arthur is in the Forest Of Elshire.

'Why is he there? ' I wondered.

(Arthur POV)(Everything here Is from canon. You can skip it if you want. )

"Can you tell how far we are from Elenoir now, Tessia? " I asked on a particularly clear morning on the fifth day of our journey?

Her elongated ears twitched as she began surveying her surroundings. Suddenly, she ran to a particularly crooked tree and ran her fingers over the trunk. A few minutes of silence went by before she came, visibly excited.

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