Chapter 78

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I'm posting some chapters ahead of time on my discord server:

The Shadow Monarch and the Dragon Monarch were engaged in close combat. With both of them recklessly trying to inflict pain on each other, they threw punches, kicks, and magical attacks at each other and dragged each other to the ground.

It was chaotic, and their actions made no sense.

Their armor was very strong, and without a direct hit, physical attacks wouldn't do any damage at all.

Antares had lost count of how many times he tried to bite or dig his claws into Ashborn's dark armor. He scratched the surface, but it got repaired a second later. The shadow bastard had an immense amount of magical energy above his own, and so for him, repairing the item was not costly.

Ashborn faced the same problem. His attacks only deformed Antare's scales; hell, some of his attacks just melted as they touched the burning skin of the dragon. This person was like an active volcano, and under the scales, there was actual lava running through his veins.

The power of those attacks may not have been felt by them entirely, but their surrounding world experienced it to the full extent.

If someone was there to describe the scene, they would undoubtedly say, "A literal hell."

Of course, this would be the first association with the word "hell," if they haven't already seen it before.

The air was hot as boiling water. It would be tough to breathe. water? There was just a small part of the ocean remaining. Most of it was either evaporated or simply erased by the hundreds of destructive beams.

The terrain was deformed in its entirety. There was no sign of previous life on the three continents: Dicathen, Alacrya, and, lastly, Epehotus. There is a large chunk of land now with those oceans evaporated.

This was not the planet its former inhabitants once called home. This was just a battleground for the monarchs.


The giant shadow avatar was thrown to the ground. This was followed by the giant dragon jumping on him and showing him the breath of destruction.


Before it landed on its face, the Shadow Monarch grabbed the dragon's jaw and averted its direction. The breath swept and burned a hole next to his face. This land, which was enhanced with aether and mana for thousands of years, was erased.

Antares wasn't done at this point. When the breath was finished, he targeted the shadow avatar with his claws. Claws slipped off Ashborn's face and tore the land next to it. Nonetheless, Antares persisted in at least cracking that face open.


The purple lightning formed on Ashborn's hand. He shoved it into the dragon's stomach and threw him off himself. In midair, Antares propelled himself and dug his feet into the ground to stabilize himself.

Both opponents charged after establishing eye contact.

The dragon launched another beam of destruction at Ashborn. The latter carefully avoided it by ducking under, but even this artificial avatar could feel the heat coming from the beam. He had to run around in a circle as the dragon was correcting the directions of the breath. Ashborn kept evading.

The attack was put out. Ashborn decided to act and ran up to his enemy. He was targeted by the dragon's tail, so he ducked under it. On the way, he grabbed the dragon's leg and flipped him off.

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