Chapter 4

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(3'rd POV)

Arthur and Ashborn retrieved wooden swords which they received from their parents and stepped to the edge of the camp where Adam was expecting them.

"You know how to reinforce your weapon right, genius? " Adam asked Arthur this time.

Everyone except Ash, didn't know that he already formed mana-core, It was there but it was just for show. (Ashborn can manipulate and feel mana without the core. Besides, he generates his own mana. I made this for plot reasons yep...)

By this time, Raynolds already picked up that Adam was just trying to put on a show of dominance into his little boys, however, he just watched, knowing he wouldn't harm them too much.

Arthur felt betrayed, while Ashborn looked like he didn't care.

Alice looked more restless as she kept glancing back and forth between her children, Adam and Raynolds, keeping a firm hold onto her husband's sleeve.

'Well, at least mother is here to heal me if I get hurt, right? ' Thought Arthur when he saw that at least mother was concerned about him.

The brothers finally took a stance and looked at Adam who was standing 5 meters away from them. Arthurs's eyes narrowed at Adam, soon he willed his mana in his legs and dashed forwards to his opponent with both his hands holding on the sword.

Ashborn just looked at his opponent, he observed what he was doing. Also, maintaining an eye on Arthur, to later match what he was planning.

Arthur swung his sword at Adam. Adam, seeing this, still kept his cocky expression, but Arthur's swing had been just faint. Art blinked foot diagonally to his right.

Adam's eyes widened at this. His smug look all but vanished and was replaced by a look of surprise, as he realized what was about to happen.

Arthur swung his sword at Adam's open rib cage and reinforced his sword at the last moment of his swing. The look of surprise on Adam lasted all but a split second before he pivoted his right foot with almost inhuman speed.

Arthur squatted in time to dodge Adam's upward swing and linked his stance from a thrust to a spinning swipe and landed a blow on Adam's left ankle using all his momentum. Adam's ankle gave out at that moment, throwing him off balance.

But he actually did a full-on split, followed by a roundhouse sweep with his legs as soon as he was on the ground.

Arthur jumped to dodge the incoming attack of Adam, but shortly after, the attack was followed by Adam's stick. Arthur wanted to thrust the pommel of the sword to block the attack, but he saw another pair of hands emerging in his sight.

Ashborn caught Adam's stick with mana-reinforced hands. Without wasting any time Ashborn plucked a stick, throwing Adam off guards.

"His grip. " Said Ash and Art understood.

Arthur strengthened his legs with mana and kicked Adam's grip where he was held on a stick. Adam was disarmed, so Ashborn soon proceeded to attack, by throwing the stick which he was holding at Adam.

Adam swiftly dodged.

"Haven't taught them how to fight my ass! How the hell did you train these little monsters?" Cried out Adam in frustration

"I didn't teach them that." Raynolds muttered, in fact, he himself was surprised.

"Seems like we finished. " Arthur managed to say while gasping for air.

"But wait... when did you awaken your core? You reinforced your hand with mana, didn't you? " Arthur abruptly asked his brother, getting everyone's attention.

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