Chapter 69

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I'm posting some chapters ahead of time on my discord server:

Absolutely no clash followed Ashborn's appearance. The forest fell dead silent, no living being made a sound. The mana beasts hid in their lairs, trying to not show themselves to the sun. The Alacryan soldiers dropped the weapons, as the leader who once arrogantly commanded them was now dead.

They followed his example and died right after him, Ashborn's army was craving for blood. This batch of shadow soldiers particularly never fought for their liege, it was time to show his greatness, what they were capable of.

Ashborn, meanwhile, returned to the group of people he met before right after dropping the Scythe's dead body in front of the Alacryans. He had no doubt that his army could take care of a bunch of Alacryan meat when they were so demoralized.

How much time has passed since he last saw Tessia or any other of Arthur's classmates? Quite a lot of time, but how can he answer Tess? In the end, he didn't come back with Arthur, well, not yet. Hopefully, she will understand it.

With his thoughts concluded, Ashborn took a step toward the group. His appearance was a little too shady for most people, except for Tessia and Elijah. They happily came to his aid and hugged him like a dear old brother.

"Ash!" They exclaimed joyfully. Both of them were expecting him since they relied only on him. He was the only one who they could rely on since there was no Arthur.

Elijah was trying to get stronger, but the only thing he got was frustration at his inability to reach even a lance's strength. He wanted to aid Ash in his endeavors. Even if his life was a cost, he was ready for it, but there was a low possibility of his death helping out Ash.

Tessia loved Arthur was a well-known fact. Ash, her lover's brother, and her grandfather were the first to know about this. Quite cold, but he played a big role in her life, so she treasured him the same way as Art. With formalities aside, she considered the Leywins to be her family.

Ash tapped on both of their backs with his palm, "Yes, I'm back... not for a long time though." He yet had to face the main challenge ahead. There was no time to rest. He thought it'd be proper to tell them this immediately.

"What do you mean, Ash?"

"I just came here to take you to a safe place. You did really well. Now it's my turn to fix the mess... I made."

The younglings were confused. The mess he made? They asked themselves, but couldn't find how he could be related to what was going on... Ash couldn't possibly raze this war. It was the opposite, Ash was helping them.

Indeed, the shadow monarch couldn't blame those young people for their blindness to see the root of the current problem. They were just mortal beings; he couldn't ask for more from them.

"I'll explain when we get there." Ashborn tapped on their shoulders, making them turn around and walk with him. Once they were close to the group of lances and Xyrus students, the first thing the auburn-haired did was greet them all.

Amusingly for the elven lances, the human lance flinched when he heard Ashborn greet him. The latter remembered their first meeting, it wasn't enjoyable and pretty much ended on a bad note. Hopefully, even if he isn't forgiven, the human lance accepts their relationship of just colleagues for the time being.

"We haven't met before, but I suppose you are aware of the plan."

"Yes, we are. The council has warned us of the incoming... events. We made sure that the entire Dicathen was ready for what was to come." The dark-haired elf told Ash, now with her soothing and alluring voice. Although her tricks were deemed to fail on him.

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