Chapter 72

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I'm posting some chapters ahead of time on my discord server:


The echo that resonated around the throne room accentuated the shadow monarch's heavy, deep voice as he spoke. Ashborn closed his eyes, hiding away his glowing purple eyes.

The building dramatically rocked as he was doing this. The corpses that were resting began to tremble somewhere in the shadows. as if they were alive.

The tranquil mana that was slowly fading from those dead bodies took some time to answer the summons of the All-Powerful. The screams? Or the joyous sounds? Nobody would be sure, but the corpses made this call right after.

When the shadowy hands magically appeared, the already gloomy, shadow-covered chamber grew much shadier. In front of their caller, they gently rose from nothingness to take their positions in the column.

The souls of the foes the shadow monarch once vanquished, made up those new shadows. They knelt down and slowly and loudly put their hands on the concrete. The particular shadow was at the very front of the formation, and it was considerably distinct from those kneeling behind him.

It had an unclosing purple eye on the forehead... It was sparking while gazing at the figure in front of him. Because the shadow was in the same chamber as the king of the dead, it was evident that it was in awe of the sight.


The breath of the King of Death came... He finally opened his eyes as a purple glow filled the room. With the purple burning eyes and nearly purple blaze on the head, the shadows adopted his manner and achieved their finalized form.

"Now, all of you are gathered here..."

Next to the throne, a few dark bulbs emerged. They were joined by prominent shadow soldiers like Beru, Agrona, and Windsom. They were to take part in the discussion and put up strategies as the major pillars of today's shadow army.

"We haven't seen each other for months, Aldir." Wisdom addressed his old acquaintance in his more human-like guise. However, the individual named Aldir did not respond to the speaker.

Ashborn understood why that was the case,

"You must now be addressed in my service as Aldir, soldier, starting now." He spoke as formally as he could.

"I'm grateful, my lord." Aldir first expressed gratitude to his master before responding to his old dragon friend, "Indeed it has been a while, my comrade."

"Aren't you guys forgetting someone?" Agrona chimed in on the conversation.

He was in another person's body, but his soul was still in the form of the old him. The Vritra still wore its sly smirk as a result. It was an expression that Windsom and Aldir were both familiar with, and it was still irritating just like before.

"I don't want to bother our lord with unnecessary chatting, Agrona." Aldir, a former general in the Asuran army, had a stern word for the former head of the Vritra clan.

Following Aldir's example, the three prominent shadows kneeled after realizing their mistakes. They could now, at last, begin making plans. Beru never actually spoke, although he acknowledged responsibility for failing to instruct newbies.

"We have a battle approaching us. A devastating one, never experienced before by any of you. You'll be engaged in combat with former allies of yours, perhaps even a family... I know that every single one of you is prepared to lift your arms in support of me. But I want you to understand how serious things are for us."

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