Chapter 12

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4 Years Later

On the fields of Beast Glades weather was sunny. Birds were chirping, mana-beasts were running around, some adventurers were doing their missions such as gathering mana-cores of beasts. 

But somewhere in the dark, somewhere deep below the surface. Terrible screams and blood splattering around could be heard. 

Black silhouettes with blue glowing parts were clashing... no, completely annihilating other monsters. 

Some monsters tried to run away but they ran into vail. Black silhouettes were completely surrounding them, giving no chance of escape.  

Finally, the last monsters also met the same fate as the previous ones. When finally last monsters died, Black Silhouettes moved away from them while splitting to make a road for someone. 

Soon person with blue glowing eyes from mana started walking towards the corpses of monsters. When he was standing in front of this bloody scene he said only one word. 


As if hearing the voice of something supreme, shadows started coming out from those corpses. Shadows expanded and started forming something. Other silhouettes materialized with the same blue glowing from mana parts. 

All of them started lowering their heads in front of the person who just summoned them. If those summonses could kneel undoubtedly, they would do that without their summoner's command. 

"You all make 1 squad, leader one with most mana. Now in my shadow. " Person commanded and black silhouettes quickly jumped in person's shadow. 

"We meanwhile continue searching for other capable soldiers. " 

Yes, that person was Ashborn. Ashborn Leywin to be exact. 

After leaving for his adventures, Ashborn started searching for capable shadow servants in the depths of Beast Glades.  

Clearing unknown amounts of dungeons and killing countless mana-beasts Ashborn was able to create a whole army with 700 capable shadows and not some parasites who only eat his mana. 

He also found one certain specimen of ants that could devour the abilities of something it eats. Finding such mana-beast here without a doubt is lucky for Ashborn. Under Ashborn's mana monster evolved and became even stronger.

"My Liege. We are ready to in another dungeon, only your command is required. " Ant appeared next to Ashborn. 

"Beru, I wanted to send the latter to my brother. Let's wrap it up for today." Ashborn told his subordinate. 

"As you wish, My Liege." Ant just nodded and other servants entered Ash's shadow. 

Beru was the name of this strong ant. He is one of the strongest in the current Shadow Army and the most capable soldier. 

And Ash found him with coincidence when he was searching for strong mana signatures. he felt large bloodlust coming from upper-level dungeons. He quickly arrived in this dungeon and saw some ant eating corpse of some adventurer.

The reason why did this Adventurer died? because the dungeon was given the wrong rank. This dungeon was only B-Class from what Ash learned in Adventurers Guild. (No Ash isn't an adventurer. He just sent a shadow servant there to get information.)

Ashborn just observed Ant for some time and when he saw that Ant's body started deforming and got a humanoid appearance he understood. Someone who found this dungeon and ranked it didn't know what Ant could do. 

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