Chapter 73

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I'm posting some chapters ahead of time on my discord server:

"You had it coming, Antares."

One of the things that Ashborn despised the most was probably the monarchs. Their nature, even though it was pretty similar to his, was born from darkness. His title of monarch came from them. But all of them knew it: The Shadow Monarch was very different from them.

This title was given to him by Antares as a sign of their mutual cooperation. The shadow monarch wanted vengeance, and Antares had to defeat the rulers. In reality, they never had close ties.

It was already no secret to Ashborn that it was the dragon monarch who betrayed him in the first place. The Monarch of White Flames and the Beast Monarh, strongest amongst monarchs (If we exclude Antares), were sent by Antares to assassinate him.

"You betrayed me, and I despise traitors. The white candle and tiny dog among you have already felt my hatred."

"Huh, you managed to figure it out?"

The dragon monarch no longer made an effort to conceal it. There was no reason for it now anyway. He had neither the desire nor the need to work with the shadow monarch. His plans were carried out without the need for any collaboration.

But it was necessary to get rid of the shadow monarch. Later on, he will gather a bigger and more powerful army, attack the rulers, and destroy them.

The coexistence of three absolute beasts in one multiverse was intriguing, though. Himself, and the two shadow monarchs... Both of them can live off the dead and draw their powers from the darkness. Certainly, both will be on the side of each other if not removed.

The first shadow monarch was directly in front of him, giving him the opportunity to make him disappear without anyone's interference.

"You know, Ashborn, I think our prior agreement to cooperate was a grave mistake on both of our parts."

From his throne, Antares got up and walked over to Ashborn. His appearance this time was similar to his, and as he stood in front of him, it gave the impression that he was being mirrored. The dragon monarch looked into the shadow monarch's purple-burning eyes with his own golden eyes.

The tension reached its peak as other monarchs in the room began to feel the strain. That is why those two were referred to as the strongest of their kind. They were a league above every living being. They were of their own kind, and they possessed unfathomable strength.

Truth be told, even those monarchs and rulers put together might not be able to handle these people directly. And now those monarchs are in the presence of both, only a little bit reassured since one of them was an ally.

Even those who called themselves by the same title, however, were unable to conceal their apprehensions due to the two monarchs' menacing aura. Even their bodies were affected by the cold. Additionally, it didn't help that this time, monarchs had Asuran bodies.

Now it all depends on who is going to make the first move?

Other monarchs were still waiting, and neither Antares nor Ashborn was attempting to move first. Was the reason they weren't moving caused by fear? No, Ashborn wasn't acting because he thought there was unquestionably a problem.

Antares was the only monarch he could detect before coming here; all other monarchs were overshadowed by the dragon monarch. Ash began to wonder why they were acting in this way. Could it be that they were trying to stage a surprise attack?

But now that he's here, he is aware of the return of the monarchs.

'Could it be...?'

Ashborn heard a flash of lightning close to him as he was about to make a point in his thoughts. That was definitely what they were going for, something burst into the room and came up behind him.

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