Chapter 37 | Season 4 👇

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(Ashborn's POV)

Cynthia's speech as well as some Student council members' speech finished rather quickly. Apparently, Tessia became the student council's president. I was sure this was an initiative from the council to lessen the discrimination problem in school.

Right now I, Arthur and Elijah are going to their dorms. Xyrus Academy provided a place to stay for the students and guaranteed their safety. With Lance himself patrolling around campus one time a day. I think Kaspian has hands in this matter.

"Truly-high class facility!" Praised Elijah on our way to dorms.

"Yes, this isn't what I expected. But overall it is good." Added Arthur and two of them looked at me then.

"Not bad." I simply shrugged.

I wasn't a student in this academy, so for me, it didn't really matter.

"I can't wait for our first lessons, what about you Arthur? Are you sure about becoming a scholar mage?" Aske Elijah and Arthur simply nodded.

"I said already. I wanted to learn more about magic itself. I'm already confident enough in my fighting abilities not to be taught by some teacher of this school." Reminded Arthur.

He was right, there wouldn't be anyone in this school aside from me and Arthur who could defeat S-Class mana beast one on one. Besides, even if the opponent is strong, Arthur can use his trump card. He can get out from time and space's influence, literally freezing the world for himself.

"Well, you might enter your dorms. We are standing here for a minute already." I told them and they went inside to inspect their dorms.

"I knew you would search for me." I said in the air. Soon from the corner of the building, Cynthia walked towards me.

"Mr. Ashborn. this might be rude of me, but can I take some of your time?" I didn't have any reason to refuse her so to her question I replied with

"I'm also not against discussing a few things."

"Then please, let's proceed to my office. It would be... dangerous to discuss it here." She motioned me to follow her.

Making our way towards her office while avoiding getting noticed wasn't hard. Especially during the time when most students are at the dorms.

"Please take a seat." I did as she said and sat opposite of her.

"So what exactly do you want to discuss?" I asked immediately after sitting down.

"Please! I beg you to accept my request to become a teacher at least for a few students." She lowered her head and started looking down.

"I expected this... but let me ask you now. What do I get in return?" She looked up at me with a serious face intending to make me accept.

"This continent... Has a chance of survival. But students inside this academy can't receive constant protection, so anything. Anything you require for teaching a few of them how to survive, I will try to make up for it." A rather interesting request from Cynthia picked up my interest.

Teaching students how to 'survive'. Not how to get strong, nor how to defeat Alacryans. But how to survive...

"I don't have anything that I need from you, your request intrigues me. So we'll do it like this, while I won't be teaching them... But I will give them a path. The path so that they can improve on their own, in other words, I will be preparing them." I have already done such a thing and the result was more than successful.

"I can't express how thankful I am." Cynthia's previously tense face was now relieved and relaxed.

"But still, why did you accept?" Cynthia asked.

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