Chapter 10

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(3'rd POV)

Four people were sitting on opposite couches, just staring at each other. The situation was rather heavy today because apparently one of them sneak out at night and went to a different country. 

Auburn-haired woman with child inside her belly was emitting dark-aura and intensely stared at another Aubrun-haired boy. That woman was Alice Leywin who currently was pregnant, boy was Ashborn Leywin. Two other persons in the room were Raynolds Leywin, Husband of Alice Leywin and father of Ashborn and Arthur Leywins. The fourth person was Arthur Leywin himself.

"Honey, You have some explanations to do. " Alice said with an innocent smile, but for Arthur and Raynolds this was the smile of the devil. 

Young Ashborn was who noticed how hard his father and brother were sweating got confused. He then looked at his mother again and tried to explain what he did overnight. 

"I asked Hawky to take me to Arthur. " 

"That doesn't explain how were you able to find him. "

"I knew, where he was. " 

"How? " 

"He said it himself... " 

"How did you find him in Elenoir then? " 

"There is nobody in this world who could sense Arthur's mana better than me. "

"Honey, It's okay, isn't it? What's done is done. Everyone is okay. " Raynolds Leywin tried to ease up the situation. 

Alice pondered a little bit. 

"What about Art's treatment? " Alice suddenly asked. 

"It's okay mom, as I said I will have to continue my treatment there later. I should do light exercises here and everything is going to be okay. " Arthur said. 

"But still... I'm so glad. Sorry, Ash honey I got a little mad, and thank you. " Alice stood up and went to Arthur and Ashborn and hugged them. Tears formed in her eyes.

She finally saw her child who she had thought that died because of her. 

"It's what family does. " (There's nothing stronger than family - Dom The God Of Family)

"Mom don't get too emotional. " Arthur said, but he was most emotional in the room. Tears were flowing down his face. 

Raynolds who was looking at his family couldn't hold his emotions also started tearing up. He went and brought his whole family in a big bear hug squeezing the other 3.

"Father, careful mom is pregnant. "

"Don't ruin the mood Ash. " 

After some time, the Helstea family burst into the room. They were all panting hardly. 

"Rey! I just heard your son was alive. What the hell is going on?" Vincent asked. 

"Vincent, everyone! I would like you to meet my second son, Arthur! Ash's twin brother! He's back Vince, Haha! " Raynolds wrapped his arms around the thin man. 

"Arthur, this is Vincent, my old friend and the person I now work for. This is his house so introduce yourself before we start wrecking it. " he grinned broadly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Arthur Leywin. I'm not sure what my family has told you about me, but I was in contact with them a while back. I was also the one that told them to not tell anyone until I get back, so I apologize for the confusion. Thank you for taking care of my family all of this time. " Arthur bowed deeply and introduced himself. 

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