Chapter 24

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(Ashborn's POV) 

After a day from the old woman's visit, Kaspian notified me that the king will be arriving. 

'Kaspian works fast, or Blaine wants to meet me...' It wasn't even 3 days since I told Kaspain to summon the king in the guild. 

I already understood that King wants to be on my good side since he offered noble status for my family... 

Wait about that. 


"Father, have you accepted noble status?" I asked my father. 

"No." After saying this he started laughing.


"Well, imagine noble living in other noble's manor." Technically he was still working under Vincent as a guard. 

They are close enough to be called very close friends, I guess father didn't want to leave his friends? maybe to repay the debt? 

'He could accept and repay debt, but refused.' Human feelings and emotions are still confusing for me. 

I should ask what Blane is truly planning. Maybe there is a war? But, no. No country will declare war, since there is an S-Class adventurer here, I'm pretty sure news reached other countries. 

I might as well get going. 

[Shadow Exchange] 

I switched with a servant in Kaspian's shadow. This time he wasn't surprised, because he called me. 

"Greetings, Mr. Ashborn." Kaspian greeted me with a bow. 

"Hello, how are you today Kaspian?" Kaspian looked at me and with his usual smile. 

"Work lately was tough because of S-Class adventurer's appearance, but everything is returning to its places." Said Kaspian and I nodded.

"Blaine already arrived?" I asked and he nodded while pointing at some room. 

"Yes, his majesty arrived immediately after I asked for him." Kaspian is still referring to the king as his majesty, so my strength and authority hasn't blinded him. 

"I want to talk one on one to him. Don't let anyone enter otherwise someone might get fried." I finally told him and he nodded. 

I entered the room where was Blaine and immediately saw that his guards weren't present there. 

"I see you guards aren't here." I announced my presence in the room.

"They would be useless anyway." Blaine just smiled, he is way more self-assured than before. 

"That might be true. So let's immediately get onto business." I said and he nodded and sat in already prepared seats. I also sat right in front of him. 

"So on what matter you summoned me Mr. Ashborn?" Blaine asked and I started speaking. 

"First of all, let me hear what you wanted to talk about. You seem to be in some predicament." He sighed after hearing my words. 

"Before your disappearance, some adventurers found evidence of new continent's existence." 

"And you are sure that a new continent exists." I already knew, but still asked. 

"Yes, we are 100% sure that a new continent exists and it seems that they are already ahead of us in gathering intel about each other." 

"Do other countries know about this?" 

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