Chapter 8

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(Ashborn POV)

I'm reviewing information that I got from Adler and Hawky, they both already entered major cities of the Elven Kingdom.

'So Arthur became some Virion guy's disciple and now is allowed to stay in the elf kingdom.'

Not only that, it seems that he can freely walk around the city and nobody is allowed to do a thing to him. The King of Elenoir spread this information for everyone, to avoid Arthur getting harmed.

'Adler, good job. That makes everything easier.' I complimented my eagle servant, he happily chirped in response.

Since I'm Arthur's twin, this leaves me less trouble. I can walk around the city of Elenoir and the elves will think of me as Arthur.

The comical situation indeed.

Another piece of information is that Arthur resides in a castle with the Royal Family, which makes it even easier to find him.

'Seems like Arthur picked up the interest of this Virion guy if he let Art stay there... ' I commented in my mind.

I don't know why Arthur agreed on becoming a disciple, but as his brother, I felt proud of him for surviving all the hurdles.

'It's only natural for a brother to feel proud of his sibling. ' I thought, remembering how my successor cared for his sister.

'But she was also quite rude to him... ' I remembered moments when his sister grumbled in displeasure and sometimes even hit him on the head.

Useless thoughts away, I will sleep some more. So I wouldn't be tired in Elenoir.


"Time to go. " I said and changed my clothes.

Adler already found a place where I can teleport, unseen by other inhabitants of the same place.

I sank in my shadow and emerged right next to Adler, and as soon as this happened Adler merged with my shadow.

"Hawky, come here." I then commanded my second servant, who later appeared in my shadow. Ready to come out right away.

"Let's take a walk now..." I said out loud and began walking away from the alley.

When I came out of the alleyway I saw a wide street, with lights still turned on, lightening the entirety of the site. Elves sure worked hard, it feels like it's still daylight.

A large number of elves were still roaming around doing different things. Still, nobody noticed me, as I kept my presence hidden.

I commenced walking towards Arthur's mana signature, which was pretty close. Why didn't I ask my shadows to find Arthur and merge with his shadow? Because I'm going to find him myself.

Arthur's mana is clearly apparent to me, I can feel it so clearly that I know accurately what he is doing now.

I indeed could sense him sleeping peacefully... While some elf girl was standing right next to his bed.

'That... is suspicious. ' I narrowed my eyes when I felt a girl's mana near Arthur... at this hour... at night...

I reinforced my legs with mana and jumped on near the building without anyone hearing me. The castle was close to me, I should be able to stop them from doing anything stupid. Who is that girl anyway?

(*Spoiler Warning*If you ask me how he can sense mana at such a distance. then in LN Jin-woo as Shadow Monarch could cover the whole earth with mana and sense Beast Monarch on another side of the earth. So that's EZ, even if he is a child for now.)

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