Chapter 28 | Season 3 👇

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(3'rd POV)

In the big room, a large round table could be seen. 7 people were sitting around this round table discussing important matters.

King and Queen of the Kingdom of Sapin, Blaine Glayden, and Priscilla Glayder. Leaders of the human country.

King and Queen of the Kingdom of Elenoir, Alduin Earalith, and Merial Eralith. Leaders of the Elven country.

And finally King and Queen of the Kingdom of Darv. Dawsid Greysunders and Glaudera Greysunders. Leaders of Dwarven country.

Representatives of 3 races were gathered together, to discuss the future of this continent Dicathen.

But today was a little special day, it was time when the Council of Dicathen would be finally formed. Unlike future days when only Representatives of some political sides will attend, this time few other people could attend also.

Such as Virion Eralith, the most experienced politician from people gathered here and former King of Elenoir. He was allowed to also attend this meeting.

But this wasn't the end. Another person should come to the meeting today, the name of that person was Kaspian Bladeheart, representative of adventurers guild and last member of Council of Dicathen.

"We are waiting 20 minutes already..." Grumbled male dwarf, Even though he did hold Kaspian in high regard for trading deals, he was still King and didn't like waiting.

"Mr. Kaspian shall arrive in no time." Answered Blaine Glayder, he didn't want to make a bad image of Kaspian.

"We are discussing the future of this continent and he is being late heh..." Laughed Virion Eralith, for it was funny, but for others didn't seem to have the same ideas.

Just a few seconds later, a small breach was made in space. People in the room went on guard. Especially, Virion who started channeling mana in his body and was ready to enter his beast will phase.

"I apologize for my late appearance." After the breach was finally formed, the voice of man rang out in the ears of people.

"O-Oh Kaspian you are finally here..." Blaine, who didn't expect such arrival of Kaspian, was surprised.

"Once again, I apologize." Kaspian right now was confident enough in himself not to knee before Royals, Ashborn himself told him to show people superiority, even to Kings.

"I guess, It took time to form Teleportation Gates..." Blaine said and Kaspian just nodded.

This entrance was planned earlier by Ashborn, just to show the council that they aren't on some weak political side. Teleportation gates are thought of as Artifacts, but now it was formed by some human. Intriguing and frightening at the same time, especially for those who saw that in person.

"Please, take a seat and we will start discussions." Blaine motioned Kaspain to sit in a vacant chair.

Kaspian took a seat and so the discussion finally began.

"First of all, I must congratulate all of you. We are the first ones to witness such an amazing act, finally, 3 races are uniting." Exclaimed Blaine.

"Since we don't want to waste our time in meetings, let's discuss important matters first. Then we might even celebrate if nobody is against it." Said Blaine and everyone agreed with him.

"As we agreed, an announcement to the public will be held a few months after forming the Council. Now I want all of us to think about how we will integrate our different communities into one."

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