Chapter 57

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*Clang* *Clang*

The noises of metal crashing against metal and thunderous stomps could be heard in the "Colony of Dicathen," a vast hideout. People cheered for the two sparring partners on the vast testing site.

Claire Bladeheart, a red-haired girl with grey eyes, was one of them. Jasmine Flamesworth, a black-haired woman with crimson eyes, was the second. Both hailed from well-known families, albeit the latter's connection with them was difficult.

They'd already launched a couple of attacks at each other. Claire would simply overpower Jasmine in physical aspects if she wasn't an experienced adventurer, as the dark-haired woman...was very limited, she was not only short and slender, but Claire also had the advantage with the use of a unique badge.

Once again, Claire channeled mana in her legs, reinforcing their strength, and with that, she lunged at Jasmine. She held her sword in front of her, prepared to make a diagonal slash at the dark-haired woman. The sword traveled through the air with a swish and made contact with Jasmine's dual daggers.

The sword was stuck between Jasmine's daggers. By using this in her favor, Jasmine easily redirected the attack in a different way. She now had the upper hand over Claire, as the younger woman's sword was pointing downward at the ground. However, Claire wasn't unprepared.

With her right hand, Claire adjusted her sword so that it was pointing right at Jasmine. She extended her front leg even further, and by propelling her body with her back leg, Claire thrust his sword next to Jasmine's neck.

'That's it!' Thought Claire, seeing how her opponent couldn't block the sword and just stood there.

Her affair was immediately ended, as Jasmine dived, successfully avoiding the sword that went over her head.

"Guah!" Claire received a powerful kick in her abdomen and flew away like a ragdoll. (...Don't kill me Claire Simps, I simp for her too. She needs this to make progress.)

'She's strong.' Claire scrunched up in pain, as she saw how quickly Jasmine was approaching her. For the first time, the redhead channeled mana into her sword while also taking a stance.

The usage of magic was allowed in this testing session because, well, it was to test the magical weapon, to begin with.

Anyway, Claire was surprised as the sword burst into a pile of flames. The flames only got bigger as she channeled more mana into her sword. It reached the point where the heat affected her even more, instead of her opponent.

She then heard Gideon shouting at her, "Don't channel so much mana into this sword; you'll burn down everything here!"

Claire abruptly stopped channeling her mana, although the blaze on her sword didn't die down. She got extremely confused,

"What's with this sword?!" She panicked and waved her sword in an attempt to put out the fire. In spite of the fact that the attempt was futile.

"Booger, just retract the stupid mana!" Gideon roared again. Claire was even more perplexed because she had already ceased channeling mana into the blade.

'Unless he means...' Claire tried to sense if there was any remaining mana in the sword, only to be startled by another effect of this sword. By itself, the sword was absorbing the ambient fire-mana and using it.

Claire realized her mana was just used to give a spark and set the fire-mana ablaze. While the sword continues to do it for her later on,

'So, just like a normal spell?' This wasn't hard, Arthur had already taught them in detail how to do this. As a yellow-core mage, it was even easier for her.

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