Chapter 62

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"Eh, what a mess this little girl got into because of his blood."

The High Judge muttered to himself that, obviously, he knew of the girl's innocence. Reading through her papers, there wasn't anything suspicious. There was nothing suspicious even in the academy, but well... he has to make a judgment to satisfy different Bloods. Even the sovereigns desire the same, this could work as propaganda for them.

"High judge, I have an objection!"

"Trial hasn't even started yet, what could it be?"

"I suggest proceeding with the trial now, as we can see that the Highblood of Denoir hid the fact that one of theirs had awakened. They deliberately used an artifact to hide her awakening. There is no need to wait for more of her blood. Every one of them will face the same judgment anyway!"

The suggestion was approved by many, as their nods and hums followed. Some even began murmuring as to why Denoirs would hide the fact of Caera's awakening. After all, the awakening of the Vritra lineage is something to be proud of.

Unless they planned something.

'Those guys, they have problems with patience don't they?' The High Judge again gazed at Caera, anticipating some grievous reaction. Unfortunately, no. Her expression was that of a dead man as if she had lost all meaning in her life.

High Judge should technically have high authority in the court, but apparently, the sovereigns desire everything according to their plans. That's what he was told...

"Then, the trial of the entire Highblood of Denoir, on the charges of betrayal, commences now." An announcement was made, accompanied by the banging of a gavel. Everyone took their seats, and the great hall fell silent.

"The trial will be adjudicated by High Judge Blackshorn, Judge Tenema, Judge Falhorn, Judge Hurcrust, and Judge Frihl."

The judges were already seated, each of them wearing black robes. Then the high judge, named Blackshorn, continued,

"The purpose of this trial is to determine the punishment faced by the Highblood of Denoir. Since there is no one standing up in defense of Denoirs, the punishment will be passed down nonetheless. This is the wish of sovereigns."

At the mention of sovereigns, the hall broke into excited murmurs.

"Silence!" The high judge had to calm people down with another set of hammering. "If Denoirs repent for their sins, the punishment shall be lightened." The elderly man looked at Caera, now already with an emotionless face.

"Caera Denoir, if you give us valuable information you will be spared and taken care of appropriately. So?"

Caera could only stare down at a marbled floor, not like she knew something else. She was unaware of her family's affairs and hadn't been told anything by Seris either. Yes, she was given an artifact to change her appearance by Seris, but that crime didn't have anything to do with this.

"Caera Denoir, I suggest you speak. Any pieces of information might be useful." The judge kept on trying to make the young girl speak.

"High Judge, she isn't saying anything because she was most likely told not to!"

"I said silence!" The judge roared, scaring the sh*t out of the man. "Is there anything else, Caera Denoir?"

Caera under the pressure opened her mouth and spoke, "I don't know... there wasn't anything else. I swear."

"Are you sure? You haven't spotted anyone else with Scythe Seris you didn't know of?"

"No I didn't-" Caera flinched as she remembered something about that boy she saw with her master. She could remember him well; he was so mysterious and had a strong aura around him. Ashborn was his name, and he even showed some unknown spatial magic. Definitely, they were searching for him.

"N-No I did not."

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