Chapter 36

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(Seris's POV)


The aura around this person gave off the feeling of death. I never felt anything like this before in my life, even Agrona himself didn't have such terrifying pressure. But this wasn't all...

Cylrit, my loyal retainer who I was sure of being dead. Is standing right behind him, without any hints of emotions about seeing me. I remember him mentioning something about summoning, is he an asura who could manipulate souls?

But no... He said he was human. Why would he lie in this situation? No, he wouldn't. He is human.

When he asked me for so-called cooperation. I was reluctant, I'm seeing this person only once? How can I trust somebody like him?

When he said it a second time that he would let me live on one condition... If the angel of death itself materialized behind me and held its scythe's sharp edge right at my neck. If I disagreed with him, I would certainly be dead.

And then the most unexpected thing happened, he assigned Cylrit to me. Saying that he will stay in my shadow. I thought he meant this rhetorically, but no...he meant it literally.

Cylrit sank in my shadow as if he wasn't there before. His presence disappeared completely, I tried to sense him... The only thing I could sense was nothing.

'Cadell mentioned that there were countless enemies and that was the reason for retainers' deaths.' I can't see any army.

don't tell me, the army is also like Cylrit...

Hiding in that person's shadow. Just when this idea popped out in my mind as if a deliberately, a person showed me something.

Eyes. Thousands of purple glowing eyes were all staring at me, all of them coming from the direction of the person's shadow. If that person could summon an army and keep them in shadow. Also while increasing the capabilities of soldiers.

'Cylrit became strong. I could sense his mana when he was in my sight, but now that he is hiding I can't. Still, Cylrit also had that same terrifying mana.'

I can confidently say... The person in front of me is stronger than Asuras themselves. I would have never thought that person might be this strong. This shouldn't be possible, by any means.

'Did true god descend upon this world?'

(Ashborn's POV)

Keeping alive Seris can give me time to think. While I don't want to participate in any wars, I also realize it's impossible. My idea of true peace doesn't apply in reality but in dreams.

She can give me detailed information about Alacrya and its progress. Lessening my involvement in everything. Dicathen didn't have chances against Alacrya, I changed it now so Dicathen's chances went up high enough to hold its ground against Alacrya. Knowledge about your enemy can be the biggest advantage in battle while humans are limited against strong enemies such as Scythe's, they now have Seris as support, in critical situations even me.

No matter what Seris will try from now. when she gives me information, she will have only the option of helping Dicathen to win the war. She can be deemed as a traitor right after Agrona learns about it. Scythe or Retainer, you gave information to your enemy who can bring chaos in Alacrya.

But if she won't give me information, she will die either way.

'My liege, you are going to be late. Your brother is already getting up.' Beru informed me.

"I'll finish work here first." I turned to a pile of corpses.


I called out for souls of the dead beasts, which they complied and soon shadows started rising from them.

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