Hanahaki Disease

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This may come as a surprise, but Lance holds little hope for his love life. Sure, he flirts and winks at every possible candidate. But, in reality, Lance doesn't believe he'll live out the happy romances he sees on TV. His parents met when they were in high school and shared their first kiss at the top of a Ferris wheel. That was sweet, he always loved it when they'd tell the story. His siblings would roll their eyes and grimace, but Lance always smiled and listened happily. His mom called him Loverboy Lance and said he always had a love for the romantics. Yet, here he was, a hopeless romantic.

Lance knew from the bottom of his heart, his current lifestyle didn't allow much for romance. They passed through planets full of people to which they likely would never return. It didn't matter anyway. As much as Lance flirts, he knows it's all done in vain. He has his heart set on someone else.

Keith. Stupid moody emo, Keith. Keith who has a mullet and wears a red cropped jacket.

Lance groaned. Laying in bed, he buried his face in his arm thinking about the idiot. Lance Loverboy McClain is in love with the least romantic person known to man. The biggest issue of all, however, is how little his interest in Lance is.

His time spent in the Garrison was plagued by his failed attempts at befriending Keith. Later, in their teen years, him and Lance crossed paths again. Keith didn't even remember him.

Lance then started in with the rivalry thing. At least this way Keith was paying some attention to him. Even if they were arguing, it still made Lance feel better to have those fiery eyes cast on him. At least then he knew they weren't looking at someone else.

Lance knows there's no hope for Keith returning his feelings. That's why he started in on the whole 'Allura thing'. Lance flirts with her endlessly, trying to draw the attention of Keith even in the slightest. But when he looks at Keith to see any reaction, there's none—besides a few occasional eye rolls.

He gave up after some time but his teammates never forgot his weak attempts at flirting with the princess. They lorded it over him still, and teased him relentlessly about it. He could care less though, he just wanted Keith. That's what it was all for.

The castles alarms echoed through the hallways booming around Lance's room. He sat up startled and bathed in red lights.

"Paladins! This is not a drill! Suit up and get in your lions immediately! The castle is under attack!" Allura's voice dominated the alarms.

Lance was ready in a matter of moments and was running down the hallway. He saw Pidge running just ahead of him and Hunk followed suit to the two.

The three got in their lions and found the other two were already out. A battleship was firing at the castles shield and was being heavily guarded by drones.

"Lance and pidge! Go for the ones on the right! Keith and Hunk, to the left. Cover me while I disable the ion cannon." Shiro shouted through the coms making Lance wince.

"Please hurry Shiro, the shield is already weakened significantly." Allura pleaded.

Lance and Pidge followed their orders, but Lance was lagging. His breathing felt shallow, like he couldn't quite catch his breath. He didn't feel well. He hadn't felt the absolute greatest the last few days, but he was sure it would pass with some extra sleep. But here he was, performance lacking at the expense of the team. He gave a weak cough which contorted into hacking.

"Lance! Stop just sitting there and help!" Pidge scolded over the speakers.

Lance reached for the panel but his hand fell as he began to cough and hack again. It felt like something was caught in his throat. Tears rose in his eyes as he couldn't quite breathe from whatever it was he was choking on. Finally, whatever it was dislodged itself and fell from his mouth in a feathery fall.

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