Six Lances

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Red- angry/aggressive
Orange- playful/fun/outgoing
Green- disgust (I changed this one)
Purple- romantic/lovey
Blue- sadness
Yellow- fear

My spanish may not be correct cuz I use google translate soooo...
You can correct me if I'm wrong. I take German instead of spanish so I'm clueless on its accuracy.

Requested by: AyMaBa and oliviatacos

Shots fired around the paladins causing panic. "Everyone, whatever the cost, do not let yourself be hit. The Galra underwent experimentation to develop this. We are unsure of the effects but it can't be anything good." Allura spoke through the communications systems.

"Got it!" Shiro yelled. He sliced through several droid ships the size of rover. They each fired bullets at a sickening speed.

Lance shot striking many but missed twice. It wasn't much use this close in range.

Pidge and Keith were in their element as their bayards were close range. Despite this, there was still a risk.

"Keith! Look out!" Lance yelled shoving him hard.

"Lance what the-!" Keith fell to the ground flipping to look at the action. He watched as a shot struck him perfectly in the shoulder.

Lance seemed more surprised than in pain.

Keith jumped up slicing through eight drones at a frightening speed. Hunk helped Lance out and they made it to the black lion, their escape plan.

Keith was furious and it burned hot. Lance didn't seem to suffer any damage but that shot hit him in the shoulder. They squeezed in the alien robot warship taking off back to the castle of lions.

"Lance are you alright?" Shiro asked. The paladins all looked back to see his condition.

Pidge and Hunk both screamed and Keith stood in shock. Shiro quickly became curious and turned around to see six Lances. The armor was different colors for each of them: red, orange, yellow, green, purple, and blue.

The one with the yellow colored armor was frantic and panicking. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! There's six of me! We're dead! We're all going to die!!! AHHHH!" He then crawled in the corner and began rocking back-and-forth traumatized.

The typical blue colored Lance didn't seem normal however. In fact, he was crying. "Ooooohhhh myyyy glooob," He began to sob, "this is the end! I'll never see my family again!"

"You guys are so negative! Look on the bright side! We can totally beat Keith in combat! Six on one is in our favor." And Orange Lance exclaimed happily.

"Would you all shut up! Don't you see! We're vulnerable like this! You two are cowards and you're wreck-less!" The red one yelled at the others.

"Ew! Would you quiet down! I can't believe I'm the same person as you dimwits!" A green Lance said sassily with a hand on his hip examining his nails.

Keith felt a set of hands reach around his waist hugging him from behind. He jumped pulling away in surprise from a purple Lances grasp. "Aww! Keithy, I didn't mean to startle you." He pushed some hair from Keith's face smirking. The poor moody boy's heart was beating so fast he could hardly think.

"That's enough! You're embarrassing us!" Red yelled at purple.

"Oh noooooo.... what if Keith rejects us!" Blue whined before bursting into tears.

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