Shark Week/ Sharkfest!!!

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Sharkfest and shark week is happening rn soooooo...

Lance POV:

I swam quickly barreling into my best friend Hunk. He screamed caught off guard thrashing his yellow tail around quickly.

"DUDE." He gave me a disapproving look, I clearly scared him.

"C'mon! Let's go to the drop off!" I whined in boredom.

"Lance you know that it's not safe, we'll get in trouble." Hunk said worriedly. "Besides, what if we see the Cals?"

Cals is a slang term for Caliginous Dwellers. Caliginous' are mermaids like us but they live at the very bottom of the ocean. I'd hate to be them, living in the dark like that. They tend to be what we consider evil. Darks hang with anglerfish and sharks.

Sharks terrorize our villages and we have to seek refuge from them. Anglerfish never have been a problem seen as they never come up this far in the water.

Caliginous' have dark colored luminescent tails. All mermaids have luminescent abilities but theirs glow brighter considering their dark habitat.

"Fine, I'll go by myself scaredy Discus." I turned swimming away with my light blue tail.

"Wait up." Hunk said hesitantly. He caught up and we swam to the drop off.

We got to the edge looking into the dark abyss.

"Okay, we came, we saw, let's go." Hunk whined.

"Fine." As I began to swim away with him something caught my eye. "Hunk, wait. Do you see that?"

He turned around and focused on what I was seeing. Purple glowed clearly someone's luminesce. "It's the Cals, let's go!" He swam away immediately already out of sight. I stayed watching as it continued rising. I hid behind a nearby cluster of boulders.

As more light showed I took a good look at the culprit. A merman with a red and black tail glowing a purple luminescence. He had dark hair and violet eyes. Definitely good looking. That I know for sure.

Though he was indeed a Caliginous, it was confirmed with the carpet shark following closely behind.

What I'm doing is stupid, reckless, and dangerous, but this is the first time I've ever seen a Caliginous. Part of me believed they didn't even exist.

I also didn't expect them to look so... well... hot. I sighed resting my head on my hand staring at him. Bubbles floated up from my mouth causing noise. His head snapped in my direction and I hid carefully.

I didn't hear anything and peaked over the rocks to see if they were still suspicious but they were gone. I let out a relieved breath and turned to leave to come face to with the carpet shark. I screamed and whipped around in the other direction to swim away only to run into the Caliginous.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He demanded.

I looked back at the non attacking shark.

"Are you one of the surface mermaids?"

"First off, I'm a merman. Secondly, I'm not telling you anything, beach." I crossed my arms stubbornly.

"I suppose that's a yes. Where's your village?" He asked.

"No way I'm telling you, you'll probably have your shark friend there attack it." I snapped pointing my finger at him as my mom used to do to me when I was young. I poked him in the chest before turning away angrily. The boy seemed a little surprised.

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