Honeycomb (MA)

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*smut warning*

7:23 pm

Lance checked again.

7:23 pm

And again.

7:24 pm

Lance sighed. Could time move any slower? He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and peeked at the house above. With a minor adjustment to the rearview mirror and another glance at the time, he huffed and sat back in his seat. He hated to be late, especially when meeting new people, feeling it left a bad impression. Even still, they're supposed to be there at 7:30 pm, only five short minutes from now and it takes roughly ten to drive there.

Lance pursed his lips and hovered his hand over the horn before retracting it. He didn't want to rush her, he knows it would turn her mood sour. Allura and him only just started dating. Lance had asked her out a total of fourteen times before she finally agreed, not without reluctance. So even now, he feared making the wrong move or upsetting her in any way so that she may break up with him without really giving him a chance. He treated her to nice dates, always tried to do the most gentleman-like course of action, and he was honey sweet. That wasn't enough for Allura though, and maybe that's why Lance likes her. She's classy, and sassy, and tough. She knows what she wants and doesn't hesitate to take it. She's motivated and powerfully willed. Lance believed he could learn a thing or two from her, maybe some of these qualities could rub off on him. He was far more of a pushover, a real people pleaser if you will. He cares what others think of him and it drives him crazy when someone doesn't like him. His success is overabundant but he feels lost in life, unsure of where he should go or what he should do. He's skilled, but uncreative—just waiting for someone to tell him what to do so he can accomplish it to perfection and more.

Maybe it's also for the reason of his character that he is so nervous about making the best impression. Today he'll be meeting Allura's friends, whom she talks about often. A small gathering in an apartment. Apparently Hunk and Keith live there, and Shiro, Romelle, and Pidge will be joining as well. Lance is just ready to put names to faces. According to Allura, Hunk is the equivalent of a cinnamon roll, Pidge is sarcastic but fun, Shiro is very dad-like, Keith is aloof, and Romelle is kind of a ditz but in an endearing way. Lance briefly wondered how Allura described him to her friends. He pushed the question away and immediately raced out of the car when he saw Allura walk out the front door. He opened the passenger side for her and greeted her with a large smile. She looked stunning as always, never a hair out of place.

There was a knock at the door and everyone paused and glanced in its direction. "I'll get it." Keith volunteered, eagerly taking the excuse to leave the conversation. Pidge and Hunk were talking about mechanical science and Keith was following along well... until he wasn't and settled for just nodding and agreeing.

He bypassed Shiro and Romelle's conversation and opened the door with less enthusiasm than he probably should have. But he froze seeing an unfamiliar face staring back with wide blue eyes. He perked up forgetting his lazy attitude and blinked owlishly at the stranger. His blue eyes flicked to his feet before meeting Keith's again, almost unsure or shy. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Lance."

And then Keith had to face shaking the delicate hand between them. His honey-tanned skin was smooth and flawless and when Keith shook his hand, it was soft to the touch and warm. "I'm Keith." He spoke, but it came out a soft murmur. He was pleased at the pretty contrast of his own porcelain skin and Lance's sun kissed beauty. Keith's eyes flicked back up to look at Lance and found something in him melting at the soft freckles dusting his cheeks and a mole just above his right eyebrow. Lance had short coco brown hair and it curled just on the ends making him look fae like.

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