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Request by: BubbleBerryPunch
•Cool name btw

"Allura needs help." Lance spoke sternly.

"We know, but we can't form Voltron without her piloting the blue lion. If we go in there now, we might as well be handing them Voltron." Shiro argued.

"The red paladin is right, Allura is the princess, saving her is the top priority." Coran said stricter than any of them could imagine coming from the man.

"But Voltron-" Shiro began.

"Will be fine. Because... we aren't bringing it." Lance threw the idea out.

"Lance, that's suicide." Shiro disregarded the thought.

"No! It works! Look, paladins are replaceable; Lions, Allura, they're not." Lance stood his ground.

"We can't all risk our lives like that." Shiro looked to Pidge and Hunk who were watching the conversation with worried expressions.

"I'll go by myself." Lance said filling the room with a deadly silence, much like the deadly mission.

"Lance, are you sure? You could be killed." Shiro repeated. "I'll go with you."

"No, you're the leader of Voltron, we can't replace you either." Lance spoke calmly.


Lance climbed into the pod buckling in (Wear your seatbelts). He tested his communicator with Pidge getting a thumbs up.

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this." Shiro said grabbing the edge of the pod.

"It'll be fine. I'll get the princess back, don't worry." Lance assured although he wasn't so sure himself.

Lance was waved off before getting sucked into the vacuum of space. He quickly directed the route for the ship they were sure held Allura.

Lance activated the pods camouflage, a perk of Pidge's genius like mind. He flew in with the other Galra ships unseen landing it behind them. When the coast was clear, Lance jumped out and snuck down the hallway.

He heard soldiers and ducked behind a wall. They passed and he quickly moved on.

A door slid open just as Lance was passing and a Galra soldier stood for an awkward moment before running back in quickly to sound the alarms. Lance chases after him and took the soldier to the ground but the man had just barely managed his hand onto the panel to press a round red button.

Alarms blared and Lance quickly jumped up running out of the room. He found the cells where captives were kept and quickly ducked inside.

Aliens of all cultures, shapes, and colors stared at him. No Allura. He unlocked the cells releasing them.

They all thanked him but Lance was too distracted. "Have you seen a princess, Altean, blue markings, with white hair?"

"Yes, She was here a moment ago. Lotor took her." An old alien with ogre like ears spoke.

"Thank you." Lance took off. He knew Lotor all too well. He wishes he could just punch him in his stupid face.

Lance ran into a large open room. Standing before him was Lotor. Standing next to him was Allura and another boy, both of which had their hands tied.

"Well, Keith, your time has come. This one should be easy." Lotor said untying the boy.

The boy didn't say anything but he glanced from Lance to Allura.

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