Dancey Lancey & Karate Keith

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"You've gotten sloppy," Shiro laughed as he grappled Keith into an arm bar.

Keith held out for a few moments before wincing and tapping out. Shiro immediately released him and Keith bent his elbow a few times to stretch it. "I haven't practiced in a while." He scowled.

Shiro sauntered to his gear and snatched up his water bottle. "Guess that means you'll have to practice double as much to make up for it." He chuckled.

"As if," Keith sat on a bench and stretched feeling every muscle in his back wail. Extra curricular activities were neglected when second semester hit and his grades started to slip. The college life got a little rough and it was touch and go for a while, but he managed to bounce back. Not to mention, exams were over and now he's free. With a part time job at a local flower shop, he still had some free time on his hands and was more than happy to rejoin Shiro in Karate.

Shiro owned the karate studio, it was small but it made good profit. The building actually had a few businesses, one was a small office for a local paper company that was definitely going out of business, there was a dance studio, and a doggy daycare. Keith liked it because as you'd walk through the hallway, you could often look through the windows into the other establishments. Sometimes he'd stop to watch the dogs, and, while more rare, he'd watch some of the dancers. They were probably used to being watched, but Keith still felt weird about staring at them. He would probably be uncomfortable if someone watched him workout through the windows of the karate studio. However, what was possibly the all time best perk of having the businesses there, is how, on occasion, dogs would get loose and run rampant.

Keith always kept his eye out for when Pidge was working in the daycare. Sometimes, when she's there and he has the time, he'll go in and play with the mass of dogs. Tug o' war, fetch, chase; he probably got more exercise playing than by doing karate.

Shiro swished some water in his mouth before swallowing. "Adam and I were at the market yesterday and the worker who checked us out was very cute and your age." He gave Keith a nudge with his elbow.

"And your point is?" Keith folded his arms.

"Oh come on," Shiro rolled his eyes, "it wouldn't kill you to at least try."

"Are you sure about that?" Keith deadpanned.

"Whatever, you're so stubborn." Shiro sighed pulling out a set of keys. "I'm gonna take off, it's date night and Adam will kill me if I'm late. Mind locking up when you're done?"

"Sure," Keith looped the ring of keys on his finger and spun them. He waved Shiro off and tossed the keys in his gym bag. He stretched for  a bit before putting on a pair of gloves and practiced sparring against a punching bag.

Keith launched a half assed roundhouse and slumped against the punching bag exhaustedly. He'd been going at it for over a half an hour. Checking the time, he realized it would be dinner shortly and he was actually pretty hungry.

Keith put away the equipment, grabbed his things, and locked up the studio. He was tired, and his walk through the hallways almost felt like a shuffle. He tipped his head as he passed the dance studio to see if there were any dancers out.

Keith swallowed hard at the sight. Coco brown hair, caramel tanned skin, his eyes like blueberries tipped down at the ground. He's tall but slender and seemed to be in some type of ballet position. He had on the boxy ballet shoes so that's all he had to assume that's what he was doing.

Keith briefly stopped as he continued to stare. He hadn't seen him before. The boy was wearing black leggings with stripes of mesh so you could see his smooth, thin, legs in all their glory. His sweater said 'stretch, sweat, pirouette' and the sleeves were bunched up at his elbows. His legs were elegantly crossed, and he was on the tips of his toes which had to be painful. However, if it was, he didn't show any sign of pain, in fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself. His hands hung in the air gracefully and his body curved beautifully.

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