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Keith POV:

I figured I should check in on everyone and let Shiro know of my recent missions. I sighed sitting down in a chair and sliding closed to the panel and making the call.

It was answered but everyone stood in the room looking very solemn. "What's going on? You all look like someone died." I chuckled lightly hoping to give off a better mood than what I was receiving.

"Keith, there was an incident..." Shiro began looking down as he spoke.

"No ones hurt, right? Wait, where's Lance!" I began to panic looking at all the faces, all but one.

"He was... he was captured on our last mission." Shiro said sadly.

"Well then what are you doing just standing there!?" I yelled jumping up from my seat and slamming my hands down on the panel angrily. "Why aren't you idjit's thinking of a plan to get him back!"

"Keith," Shiro spoke quietly and sympathetically, "it isn't that simple."

"Of course it is! We fly in there and get him back!" I emphasized each word showing the urgency that wasn't seeming to get through their heads.

"Keith we have the coordinates of the ship but with no one to pilot the red lion, we can't form Voltron. Not to mention, we don't know what kind of situation we're getting into." Pidge explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows angrily. "Does that really matter? This is Lance! Our teammate!"

"We know Keith but-" Shiro started.

"-No! Send me the coordinates." I demanded.

"You can't go in there alone, Keith." Shiro leaned forward.

"And I won't, I'll bring along fellow Blade of Memora. One more ship won't kill us."

Shiro stood for a moment thinking. His face was hard and emotionless. "No..., I'm sorry Keith." And with that, he reached forward and ended the call.

"Damn it!" Yelled punching the screen. It didn't do any damage as it would take a weapon to do so. I then huffed taking in deep breaths before plopping down into the chair and rapidly typing away.

I hacked into the castles system. I've learned a thing or two from watching Pidge, not to mention I saw her create the code for the backup system to prevent hacking. I could see what was on the screen they were looking at currently and I saw the coordinates. I quickly jotted them down but the screen glitched and blackened. Pidge must've caught it and kicked me out. But it doesn't matter, I have what I need.

I ran to a pod and input the coordinates. I could make it there in merely 33 minutes at the least. Though if I tried hard enough I could possibly make it in 20. I took off gliding through the void at the maximum speed the pod would go.

Time passed and I could see the large Galra ship, mine was an ant compared to it. I made it past without being spotted and snuck onto the ship.

Lance POV:

I sat in the corner of my cell. I had my knees to my chest with my face buried in crossed arms. I let myself get caught and now I'll die here. I'm going to die here and never see my family again. No one has come for me, its been days at least.

'They probably aren't coming, they probably already have someone to replace you.' A small voice in my head echoed causing tears to prick the corners of my eyes.

"No, I'm not going to die in here." I jumped up and ran to the edge of the bars. Electricity flowed trough them glowing a typical Galra purple. I scanned the room carefully. There was two taser sticks propped up against the wall. On the far side of the room was the buttons to shut off the flow of power and unlock the cage.

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