Spiderman and Deadpool

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I don't particularly ship spiderpool but I also don't not ship it

I shut my locker and sped walked down the hall. Hunk stopped me, "Hey, are you..." he looked around cautiously before he hit his fist in the palm of his hand, "tonight?"

"Yeah, I do it every night." I smiled. He was still a little new to my secret. In fact, apart from Shiro (a.k.a iron man) he's the only person who knows my secret.

"Can I be your computer guy again?" He asked excitedly.

There was an occasion where I connected him to my suit and he was able to talk to me updating me of crimes in the area. "I don't know...," I rubbed the back of my neck, "do you actually want to?"

"Duh!" He smiled.

"Alright, I guess it couldn't hurt."

He fist bumped the air and began to ramble about something but I didn't hear. I saw Lance McClain at his locker talking with a short girl named Pidge.

I found myself staring and when I pulled my attention back to Hunk he was giving me a cheeky grin. "Shut up." I said embarrassed.

"I didn't say anything." He said in a smug tone. "I don't have any idea as to what you are referring to." He teased.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Neither do I." I agreed even if he was being sarcastic.

-random POV change that I'm too lazy to fix-

"Is it how you were staring at Lance, a.k.a your future hubby?" Hunk laughed as Keith's eyes burned like fire.

"What even is a 'hubby'?" Keith snapped out of embarrassment.

"Hubby, as in husband." Hunk explained.

"Oh my..." Keith breathed defeated.

"Hey Keith, hey Hunk." Pidge said waving with Lance beside her.

"Hey." Hunk smiled, slightly nudging Keith as if to silently say 'your hubby is here'. Keith was actually going to loose his head. Hunk would pay for this.

"Lance and I are going for ice cream wanna come?" Pidge asked. Little to Keith and Hunks knowledge she was being a grade A wingman for Lance.

Keith felt his stomach do flip flops with excitement. Hunk smiled, "That would be fun. You're up for that, right Keith?"

"Yeah, sounds good." He agreed despite not actually being able to have any of the treat and patrolling tonight. It shouldn't take long anyway.

They split up Keith getting a ride with Hunk in his car and Pidge with Lance in his car. They met at a small ice cream shop not far away.

After regrouping Pidge, Hunk, and Lance all ordered while Keith sat down and waited. "Do you not have any money, I can pay for you." Lance offered.

"No, thank you though, I'm lactose intolerant." Keith said.

"Oh, I didn't know, we could've gone somewhere..." Lance said guilty that he picked the one place Keith couldn't enjoy. Except Keith enjoyed himself all the same.

"No, it's fine, it's actually kinda nice." Keith said but got sidetracked. The TV was playing current news and there was a fire just downtown. Keith jumped up. "I forgot I was going to meet up with my uh-tutor."

"You? Have a tutor? Keith, you gotta lie better than that." Lance laughed.

"Ha. Ha. I actually have to go the asylum to pick up my meds." Keith said sarcastically before waving bye and taking off quickly.

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