Superstar (p2)

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The next day Keith walked into school dreading the day. He has every class with Lance. Every. Class.

Keith skipped going to his locker and decided he'd just carry his jacket. Lance knew he went to his locker every morning and he wanted to avoid any possibilities of running into him.

Kids were all giving him strange looks and whispering making Keith uneasy.

He saw Pidge looking at her phone by herself and he decided to join her.

"Oh my gosh, Keith, are you okay? How are you?" She immediately looked at him worried.

"What do you mean?" Keith looked at her confused. "What's going on?"

She handed him her phone. A news article read: "Lance has a new boyfriend?!-or not!"

"No, no, no, no!" Keith muttered as he read.

The article displayed photos of the boy's smiling and talking and getting into his car. There were even photos of Lance with his arm wrapped around him protecting him from the press.

But then the article gets worse. It then claims that Lance dumped me and let me walk home. Which was only partially true. There were photos of him with tears and trying to hide my face walking away from them. It even showed me flipping them off with tearstained cheeks.

"It's everywhere. Every bit of social media is eating this up." Pidge said sympathetically.

Keith felt anger bubble inside him. The whole school- no, the whole world will see him at his lowest point. Keith was closed off, he never showed emotion and never let himself be vulnerable. He finally let down those walls to Lance and this is the price. He'd never forgive him.

The bell rang and Keith went to class never feeling more humiliated in his life. He wouldn't show anything affected him whatsoever. He kept a hard confident and emotionless face.

He walked in and saw Lance immediately stand up from where he was sitting.

Kids all made 'oooooh' sounds. Keith kept his composure and sat on the opposite side of the room.

Lance followed him to where he sat pleading. "I-I didn't see you at your locker this morning." He said and Keith ignored him pulling out his binder for class. "I need to talk to you."

Keith looked at him calmly. "Don't you have someone else to trick and humiliate?"

"Keith, I didn't mean to, I promise. Please. I didn't know." Lance begged.

"Didn't know? Didn't know that I actually respected you? You said I wasn't different from everyone else but I feel I can say the same for you. Didn't know..." Keith repeated, "I can't believe I was stupid enough to like you and let it blow up in my face."

"I, I didn't know you feel that way."

"Felt. I can assure you I'm not making the same mistake." Keith stared as the second bell rang and the teacher walked in.

She gave a look to Lance and Keith and motioned for him to sit down which he obeyed. She cut a sympathetic look to Keith and he just looked down at his homework.

Everyone knew, even the teachers. The bell rang and Keith realized he had an open period in which he was going to have to deal with Lance.

He packed his things up quickly and left before Lance could mutter a word.

He dropped his things and helped the librarians re-shelve books. He saw Lance walk in and ducked back behind the bookshelves of the nonfiction section. Lance saw Keith's bag and folded his arms looking around annoyed that he was hiding from him.

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