Altean Lance Galra Keith; Ye another one

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I hated the Galra so much I could barely stand it sometimes. What they did to my home, killed my family, killed my race. My planet destroyed, all being left of Altea is the castle of Lions. The only survivors of the devastating even being Coran, Allura, and me. Allura is my sister while Coran is like a crazy uncle.

I am the paladin of the Blue Lion and will stop at nothing to take Zarcon down. Allura is the paladin of the Red Lion. Then some earthlings found their way here, they vow to help protect the universe and take it back from the Galra race. Shiro is the leader, piloting the Black Lion.

Pidge flying the Green and Hunk flying the Yellow. They've all become good friends of mine and I could even say they are family.

"I'm on the ship." I said through my helmet alerting Shiro. We were taking out a large supply ship and had to remain subtle. They detected us and our cover was blown. I volunteered to risk entering the ship and shutting it down while the others held off the drones.

I held up my bayard quietly transforming it. Hiding behind each pillar as I ran and sniping off soldiers on by one was easy. I slipped into a room with a large control panel and shut the door running over and scanning all the buttons.

"Pidge, how do I shut it down?" I cut in.

"There should be a button with this symbol on it." Pidge sent me the image and it projected from my armor piece. "Press that then press whatever button glows. You'll need to find a Galra soldier in order to grant access."

I did the steps in order but a small bad with a glowing handprint flashed. I need a Galra soldier in order to completely shut down the ship.

"Looks like you need something." A deep voice said behind me. This was not my first run in with Keith. A Galra soldier with a lot of trust from Zarcon. Every time I've come face to face with him he lets us escape.

Why? No idea. I raised my gun but he kicked it and swung his sword slashing a small cut into my arm. I kept standing for moments before collapsing to my knees. "So many times... you could have killed me so many times." I gripped my arm applying pressure. I pulled off my helmet and he stared at me blankly. He sucked in air through clenched teeth. "So why don't you just kill me now?"

He stood frozen to his spot. His sword raised and I squeezed my eyes shut ready for whatever was to come next.

But nothing happened. My eyes fluttered open and I looked up at him in confusion. Keith sheathed his sword and walked to the control panel hesitantly placing his hand on the sensor.

"Get out."

"W-why did you do that?" I watched in disbelief. He was clearly troubled by his own actions.

"Leave." Keith said harshly.

I stood up shakily watching him. His face was turned away and I could hear his heavy breathing. "Y-you're helping me?"

"Look, they're gonna kill me soon anyway. I let you go too many times and they suspect me as a traitor." He turned around his violet eyes finding my blue ones.

"Damn." I said through clenched teeth. I don't know why I did what I did but I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door and down the hall.

"What are you doing?" Keith demanded.

"Saving your ass." I pulled him through the doorway I used to enter and pulled my helmet on. "Shiro, the ship is shut down. I'm on my way." I radioed in.

"Hurry, we need back up now." Shiro directed. I ran to blue and looked back at Keith.

"Are you coming or not?" I asked standing in the mouth of my lion. He glanced at the hallway before joining me.

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