ANOTHER Doctor McClain

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Lance was fast walking along the sidewalk before getting to a light. He spammed the button to walk because who doesn't?

Lance of course was running a few minutes late to work and heaven forbid was he going to be late. He waited impatiently at the light sighing nearly accepting his fate.

He glanced at the crosswalk on the other side. A boy with raven black hair dress fairly nice with a bottom up shirt had the right of way walking to the same corner Lance was on. The boy hadn't noticed Lance but Lance had definitely noticed him.

The man was handsome and Lance blushed lightly. But that came quickly to a stop as a car sped through despite the red light and the man hit the ground hard in a blur.

Lance stood for a moment in shock watching all the cars screech to a halt. Lance then took off running to the mans aid. It looked pretty serious as blood was staining his white shirt in growing red flowers.

Lance panicked and pulled out his bag. As a doctor it became a habit of carrying materials for things like this, yet he never thought he'd have to use it off the job.

He began to apply pressure to his wounds exactly as he'd done a million times. "Don't worry, you'll be alright. I'm a doctor." Lance said reassuringly despite not knowing for sure the man was listening. Lance yelled at someone to call 911 immediately and they fearfully did so. "You're going to be just fine sir."

Lance pressed on a wound on his chest and the man seemed to spring to life with a gasp scaring the ever living heck out of Lance.

The man tried looking around, "what the f-" he started.

"Language." Lance said still tending to his wounds.

"You've got to be kidding me." He murmured setting his head back down against the asphalt.

The ambulance already arrived as they weren't far away. The paramedics got the man onto a stretcher and Lance flashed his badge getting a ride with them. They identified the man as Keith from his wallet. They asked him a series of questions only a few being answered.

"Are you single?" Lance asked one.

All the paramedics and Keith looked at him disapprovingly.

"What? It was just a simple question. Are you?" Lance asked again.

"Yes." Keith rolled his eyes.

Lance was about to say something else but they arrived at the hospital and he engaged himself back into a work setting. He quickly jumped out of the vehicle and helped the paramedics. There wasn't much else Lance could do after they got inside. He saw Shiro and explained everything giving him a briefing of his condition.

"Thank you Lance. We'll take it from here, get in your scrubs and clock in." Shiro spoke quick.

Lance nodded doing as he's told watching as Keith was rolled away. He bit his cheek worriedly entering the dressing room getting ready. He changed into his scrubs, but on his coat, and attached his ID.

Lance didn't see Keith for the rest of the day.

The next day him and his coworkers were changing and he decided to ask a few questions. "So... the one guy, who came in in an ambulance the other day... how's he doing?" He asked casually.

"Lance, we get a lot of those." Matt smiled.

"He's talking about the guy with black hair, you know, with the mullet." Hunk informed.

"Ooh. Didn't he get hit by a car?" Matt asked.

"Yup, and Lance came to his rescue." Hunk teased.

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