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I guess this is like if Lance didn't talk to Keith? So yeah...

Lance sat down in his desk chair taking a deep breath. He rubbed his eyes and leaned forward holding his head in his hands. He couldn't believe he was going to do this.

Shiro is back and that means either someone has to give up being a paladin or Shiro doesn't rejoin the team. Something's gotta give.

He picked up the pen and began to write in neat penmanship.

When he finished, he ripped the page from the notebook and set it out where it would be noticed. He grabbed a bag and filled it with some essentials and clothes.

He walked out quietly into the hallway. He rubbed at his eyes that were puffy from tears. It was dark and he feared he'd make to much noise and ruin it all.

"Lance? What are you doing up?" It was dark but Lance quickly recognized who it was.

"I... I was just going to look at the stars. I'm having trouble sleeping." He spoke quietly.

"What's with the bag?" Keith questioned.

"Planned on making a small bed." Lance felt sick at how smooth the lie flowed. It only got worse when the thought that this is the last time he'll see Keith, crossed his mind.

"Oh," Keith went quiet. He gasped when a pair of long arms wrapped around him tightly. Lance held fistfuls of the back of his shirt as if Keith would disappear any moment. But it was over as soon as it started.

"Goodnight," Lance walked past.

"Oh, um, yeah... goodnight Lance." Keith said watching him. He could have sworn Lance was crying.

He walked back to his room unable to shake the event from his head. Lance, on the other hand, was quietly pecking at the controls of one of the escape pods. The door sealed, and with a final deep breath, Lance pressed the launch button.

In the castle, a quiet noise rung through the halls. It woke Shiro and caught the attention of Keith. "Paladins!" Shiro had yelled running through the hall pulling on his armor.

"What was that?" Pidge asked putting on her glasses tiredly.

"Everyone, split up and search the castle for intruders. Be cautious." He ordered.

Armed and ready, the paladins charged the castle. "Hey, one of the pods is missing. Is it possible it could have launched by itself? It would explain the noise. I wouldn't imagine someone would break into the castle to escape in a pod." Pidge spoke groggily.

"That isn't plausible. It must be activated by someone." Allura chimed.

"Has anyone heard from Lance?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, I haven't seen him." Hunk added.

"Oh no." Keith immediately bolted down the hall. "Search for Lance. I saw him just a few minutes ago; before the pod launched. He had a bag."

Lance was no where to be found. They all stood in front of his room. Sliding the door open, they charged in.

A few things were missing and a note laid out for them to see. Keith snatched it up and his eyes flicked across the page. "Shit." He dropped the paper and ran out of the room to try to track the pod.

Shiro picked it up and read it aloud.

Hey guys,

I hope you aren't mad. I feel terrible about the situation, but it's for the best. There aren't enough lions to go around, and lets face it, no one is more fit to pilot the lions than you guys.

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