Drunk thing???

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"Hey paladins! Nice work out there today! Courteously of planet Belacheos, they provided us their specialty drink!" Coran said handing us each a cup of mysterious purple liquid.

Everyone sipped from it grimacing at how strong it was. "It's like alco-." Shiro began.

"Make sure not to drink too much, it's alcohol." Coran took a sip of his own. "Wait, how old are all of you again?" He looked around at the teens.

"Not old enough!!!" Shiro yelled jumping up trying to take the drinks from them.

"Scatter!" Pidge yelled and they all ran off chugging the drinks; all except Hunk of course who handed his back to Coran.

"Just don't let Lance... have... any." Hunk said slowly as he saw Lance down the entire drink already.

"No don't tell me he's a-." Keith said looking at Hunk with wide eyes.

"He's a lightweight..." hunk sighed as Lance looked at him annoyed.

"I am NOT a lightweight!" Lance said in a daze.

"How did you know Lance was a lightweight?" Shiro asked.

"Well there was this incident." Hunk rubbed his neck. "We went to a party once and didn't know someone spiked the punch. He only had one cup and was already drunk. Saved everyone else from it though." Hunk added positively.

They all turned to look at the poor drunk boy to see him sipping on another glass. "LANCE!!" They all yelled and startled him.

"What, space juice is gud." Lance looked at them lazily and slouched onto the floor. Shiro took the drink from him and Lance looked at the leader teary eyed.

"Keef, he took my space juice." Lance sounded so hopeless and pitiful.

"Why are you crying to me about it?" Keith asked watching as Lance crawled over to him.

"Becaws I wuv you." Lance sat on the couch and laid his head on Keith's lap and looked up at him.

"And guess what." Keith said like he was talking to a child.

"What?" Lance giggled.

"I wuv you too." Keith booped his nose looking up at the others laughing.

Lances smile turned to a frown. "Aww! I don't get it!" He whined nuzzling his face into Keith's tummy causing him to gasp a bit pushing Lance away.

"What?" Keith looked at Lance smiling but Lance still looked very serious... and drunk.

"But I thought you hate me?" Lance looked at him getting very close to his face.

"Nope! I wuv you." Keith booped his nose again smiling. He found drunk Lance kinda funny and adorable... well even more than usual.

Lance stared at him for a moment before smiling widely again. Then he smashed his lips into Keith's.

Keith was surprised at first but sunk into it grabbing Lances jacket. Lance's fingers danced through the raven boy's hair lovingly.

"Geez, if we would've know all it took to get them together was getting Lance drunk, we would've done it months ago!" Pidge grinned.

Keith broke the kiss as everyone else was still there. Lance gave him a pouty face. "But Keef."

"Um I think Lance should get some rest." Keith said helping the boy stand up.

"Ooooh, are we gonna do it?" Lance asked clinging to the shorter boy.

"Lance!" Keith stepped on his foot. "And we did not need him drunk, we've been dating for a couple months thank you very much."

With that Keith helped him down the hallway. They could faintly hear Lance yell, "We're totally gonna do it!!" Before a loud crash.

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