Muggle F***er

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Excuse my profanity, I saw an opportunity and took it.

Request by: 21smol_beans12

Lance sat on the floor of his room leaning against his bed. He focused his energy into a ball of magic and tossed it up in the hair catching it. He sat doing this for a while, bored.

Finally he threw it up as an idea hit him. He grabbed his phone and the ball of energy hit the floor dispersing into swirls of blue magic.

Lance: Hey, can you hang out?

Hunk: Sorry bud, I'm studying for the history test.

Lance: fiiinneeee

Lance: I'll just go bug Pidgeon.

He tapped on his phone pulling up their conversation.

Lance: You busy?

Pidge: Shouldn't you be busy studying for the test tomorrow?

Lance: but I don't wanna

Pidge: Do it.

Lance sighed and put down his phone going back to the massive history book in front of him.

After five minutes he couldn't take it anymore. He was desperate.

Lance: Hey Keithy, you busy?

Keith picked up his phone and did a double take seeing who sent the message. Lance flooping McClain.

He was studying for the test but... this was Lance.

Keith: Not really
Keith: why?

Lance: Wanna hang out?

Keith: What about the test?

Lance: We can study together

Keith immediately dropped his phone doing a mini panicked scene around his room before finally throwing himself on the bed and answering.

Keith: Fine, where?

Lance: Lets go to the café down the strat.

Lance: street*

Keith: see you in 20

Lance threw down his phone and sprung up rummaging through his closet for something nicer to wear. This was his rival but that doesn't mean he can't look nice.

Keith jumped up and quickly went to the bathroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth. He did a quick spritz of cologne not wanting to make it strong but just enough to know it's there. He doesn't want Lance to get the wrong idea. After all, this is his rival.

Lance sped into the bathroom pawing at his hair and began brushing his teeth. He reached for his cologne and sprayed it a few times. That doesn't smell like cologne? He looked down at the bottle to see it was his sisters perfume. It smelled really good but-he looked at the time and went into a panic rinsing out his mouth. There was no fixing it.

Keith bustled into his room and gathered his things. He assumed what he was wearing is fine and that Lance would be suspicious if he was wearing something different than he did today. He ran back to the bathroom and put his hair into a quick pony tail changing his mind. Pidge had told him before that Lance mentioned something about liking it. He saw the time and panicked grabbing his things and speeding out. "Bye Shiro, I'm hanging out with a friend."

"Bye mom, I'm hanging out with a friend!" Lance called grabbing his things and speeding out the door.

Keith got there first but saw Lance walking just down the street with his bag. They gave each other soft smiles before Lance caught up.

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