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Lance grabbed Keith by the back of his shirt and pulled him into his room as he was walking by catching him by surprise.

Keith began to protest until he saw it was Lance and smiled. They began to kiss enjoying themselves. Keith pulled away, "I gotta go, I told Shiro I'd train with him. I'm already five minutes late."

"I hate keeping us a secret. I miss you." Lance whined frowning.

He nodded understanding, "I know, I do too. How about you train with me and Shiro?" He took Lances hands in his.

"I don't know, it'll be hard not to watch you train." Lance smiled widely. Keith raised an eyebrow suggestively and Lance ran to grab his equipment. In mere seconds they were walking down the hall together smiling and holding hands.

They stopped in front of the door and let go of each other. "Don't take it to heart?" Keith asked, part of their usual routine holding up a fist close between them.

Lance nodded bumping his fist lightly against Keith's. They gave each other a quick kiss before looking annoyed and angry walking through the door.

"What's the problem?" Shiro asked already over it.

"Keith's stupid face, that's the problem." Lance huffed.

"Whatever Lance." Keith snapped.

"It doesn't matter just let it go. Lance are you joining us?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling energetic." Lance using a quick excuse to be there. Since they started dating they became masters of lying, scary good.

"Great." Keith said sarcastically.

"Keith." Shiro warned.

Keith grabbed a sword and shield setting them aside to use. Lance grabbed a gun feeling it's weight and liking the feel.

Keith envied how well he could lie, he wasn't bad at it himself but if Lance was around there was no need.

"Can we just start?" Keith sighed.

"Yeah, let's start the simulator." Lance urged.

"At least you two can agree on that." Shiro nodded. "Lance, since you're here, let's improve your relationship with Keith. If it worsens, we may not be able to form Voltron."

The two boys were laughing hysterically on the inside but externally they looked annoyed and frustrated.

"This is a level 8 bot. I expect you to work together, protecting each other while fighting." Shiro explained.

"Level 8?!" Keith yelled. "I haven't even made it past 5. I can't even beat four on some days!" Lance looked panicked but remained quiet.

"Then you better do you're best to find a way to beat it. Begin simulation." As soon as the words escaped his mouth, a bot formed holding a large sword. It was much bigger than the usual ones and they shot each other nervous glances.

Keith attacked first going for a perfect and swift swing for its leg. It dodged flipping around lifting the sword to strike him. Lance shot hitting the hilt of the sword just in time. The sword fell but in a blink of an eye it was back in its hands ready for another attack.

Keith prepared to make the first move again but Lance extended his arm in front of the boy. "Wait, let it make the first move. Defense could be our advantage."

Keith was mildly surprised. Lance always sounded way more confident and mature in battle. Coming up with ideas that made battles successful. It's one of his most irresistible states. He knew Lance had self worth issues but he could never understand why. He was so important and essential to the team.

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