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Lance walked down the hall happily. He always felt better wearing oversized sweaters. This one in particular was his favorite however. It was blue, soft, and so big it covered his butt. Under he wore a pair of red shorts that fit snugly. To top everything off, he had white socks pulled up just below the knee.

Lance walked into the lounge to be met with the other paladins giving him a horrified look. "Lance! Put some pants on!" Pidge yelled. This statement caught the attention of Keith immediately. His head snapped up before turning beat red at the sight.

"Lance please put pants on." Shiro intervened covering Pidge's eyes.

"Shiro, I'm not 10." Pidge folded her arms.

Lance made an offended noise. "I am wearing pants!" He huffed lifting up the sweater showing the red shorts along with his stomach. Keith immediately shot back as stabbed with sword. The back of his legs hit the couch and he fell into a sitting position before going unconscious.

"You knocked the gay out of Keith." Pidge stated poking his cheek causing Keith to spring up.

"Lance, you'll make people uncomfortable, it looks like you aren't wearing anything." Shiro said dad like.

Lance then got a fabulous idea. "Yeah okay but first..." He sat on the couch laying his head on Keith shoulder and bringing up his long tan legs onto the couch causing Keith to become more flustered. "You're not uncomfortable are you Keith?" Lance said sadly.

"Uh, uh, well, um, n-no. I-ee uh." Keith shot a desperate for help look to Pidge and Shiro. Lance was loving every minute of it. Not only did he get to mess with Keith, he got to rest his head on Keiths shoulder.

"Lance stop making Keith flustered." Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose.

"L-L-Lance I um, you have a nice fa-forehead." Keith finally got out a full sentence.

"Forehead?" Lance raised an eyebrow curiously.

Keith had realized his words and facepalmed. "No redo button?"

"Nope." Lance smiled standing up. He turned around and bent down to eye level. "You have gorgeous eyes." He then leaned forward planting a small kiss on the end of Keith's nose. Keith kept his cool until Lance stood up and began to exit.

"What just happened?" Hunk stood shocked.

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