Truth or Dare or Die

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Everyone being stuck with each other on a ship floating through space really doesn't do as good for a relationship as you might think. Being around each other doesn't make everyone feel closer, it does the opposite in fact. Everyone is itching to just get away from each other. Allura however picked up on this and after learning about a game called Truth it Dare it cooked up an awful day for the paladins. Also consider this, Allura has no chill.

"Paladins, lately you all have been failing at maintaining a good relationship with one another. You're all constantly fighting! After being informed of an earth game called 'Dare or Truth' I have set up, with the help of Coran, a fun bonding simulation." Allura informed excitedly.

Everyone looked back and forth among each other unsure about the harmless game. "I'm not sure this is a go-" Shiro began.

"Nonsense! To the training room immediately!" Allura yelled and everyone sped walked doing as they were told.

Everyone sat around expectedly but Allura didn't show. Suddenly the doors all shut and locked. Lance, Keith, and Shiro all pounded on the doors trying to get free while Hunk and Pidge laid back uncaring.

"C'mon guys, it's the princess, how bad could this be?" Pidge kicked up her legs and relaxed putting her hands behind her head.

"Alright paladins! Here's how this works. You will be asked truth or dare, you must choose between the two. If you get a dare you must accomplish it, you get a truth, you must answer it truthfully. If you fail to do so, a robot simulator will be set to attack you until you accomplish said goal." Allura said through the intercom.

"Never mind." Pidge said sitting up in a panic.

"Wait how will you know if we're telling the truth or not?" Lance raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I equipped the castle with a highly intelligent lie detector. It should be 99.9% accurate." Allura stated.

"What about that .1%" Lance laughed nervously.

"Just shut it and sit in a circle everyone." Allura sighed.


"Alright Paladins, the questions will be randomly generated for you on this screen."

Everyone nodded and Allura cut out leaving them to 'bond'.

First person: Shiro.

Truth or dare?

"Uh, truth?" Shiro said unsure of his choice.

Question: What do you do in your free time?

"Easy, train. This game isn't so bad." Little did Shiro know, he was going to eat his words.

Next player?

"Uhm... Keith." Shiro smirked as Keith gave him a huge glare.

Keith, Truth or Dare?

"Well I don't trust Allura so, Truth."

Question: Being part Galra, do you ever purr?

"W-what kind of a question is that!? N-no!" He yelled kind of high pitched voice cracking. A large fighting sim bot spawned in swinging a sword threateningly. "You've got to be shitting me. Yes fine!!! I SOMETIMES purr!"

The bot disappeared and the text on the screen changed.

Next player?

"Pidge." Keith said still embarrassed while several people held back laughs.

Pidge, Truth or Dare?

"Dare bitches!!" Pidge yelled confidently.

"Language." Shiro reminded causing an eye roll from her.

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