Dinner and Ghosts/p2

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Just imagine Lance screaming like Finn... after all it is the same voice actor:

I live for this.^

We drove back to the hotel and prepared for the investigation equipping ourselves with cameras each getting our own. We had several communication devices and flashlights.

"Ready?" Lance asked unlocking the door.

"Ready to watch you freak out about ghosts all night before realizing they aren't real? Bring it." I chuckled switching on the camera him doing the same.

"Get ready to eat your words." He pulled one of the large doors open and we walked in already getting eerie vibes.

3rd person POV:

The two reluctantly stepped into the building standing close to the door. Keith shut the door causing Lance to jump slightly.

"Scared?" Keith mocked.

"No!" Lance said defensively. They were both scared whether they'd like to admit it or not.

"We need to go to floor 3 first. That's where a lot of 'activity' is." Keith said using air quotes.

"Did-did you just?" Lance stared at him.

"Did I just what?"

"Did you just use air quotes?" Lance laughed a little despite trying to be serious.


"No, just don't. Don't." He said walking slowly through to the stairs.

Keith rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Keith pushed past him as Lance was walking so slow it was painful. "Nothing's going to jump out at you." He said annoyed.

As they walked Lance held back giggles and laughs as he zoomed in with the camera on Keith's butt.

"What?" Keith asked turning around. Lance quickly aimed the camera back up.

"Nothing!" He said quickly out of fear of being punched.

Keith eyed him suspiciously before they went up the stairs to floor 3.

"We should stay right here a minute and see if we can talk to them." Lance said sitting cross-cross-apple-sauce on the floor.

"Them?" Keith raised an eyebrow sitting across from him leaning against the wall.

"The ghosts dummy." Lance pulled out a communication device that can pick up ghosts voices. Keith was still extremely skeptical.

"Riiiiiigghht." Keith said sarcastically.

"Whatever. Are there any ghosts here with us tonight?" He waited a moment but nothing came through.

Keith shot him an 'I told you so' look but Lance wasn't giving up that easily.

"What's your name?" Lance asked. As much as he was trying to talk to the ghosts of the hotel, he actually didn't want to find anything. It would scare him shîtless if he received an intelligent response.

After a few more moments Lance gave up and turned off the communication device. "Guess their favorite color is too personal-." Lance began to laugh but was cut of when a breathy whisper hit his ear sending chills up his spine.

(Insert Finn scream) Lance jumped five feet in the air and running clinging to Keith for dear life. Keith however was startled too, but not by ghosts, by Lance's sudden outburst.

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