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"Five!" Lance exclaimed, "Suck it losers!" He moved his piece five spaces.

Hunk, Pidge, and Lance, were playing their homemade version of candy land. Keith sat on the couch beside them watching, he insisted he didn't want to play.

The slams began to blare and Allura's voice cut in through the speakers. "Paladins! To your lions now! We're under attack!"

They were already tearing through to get to the hangers. Together they flew out of the castle to see three battleships, all getting closer by the second. The castle's particle barrier activated behind them making the situation feel more real.

The battle hadn't been going long, nearly twenty minutes; they managed to down one of the battleships and destroy an unimaginable amount of droids.

Pidge blasted three droids simultaneously and swung around prepared to do it again. She was taken off guard when Lances lion slammed into hers, pushing her out of the way of a deadly blow. There was a loud boom and from the cloud of debris, Lances lion floated in zero gravity.

Lance could hear the distant yells of his teammates but he couldn't make them out. His head pounded and his vision was blurry, he wasn't even sure of where he was.

Lance woke up in a cryopod. He pushed his hand against the glass and in response, it opened. He fell out but was caught before he could make contact with the floor.

"Are you Okay?" It was Keith's voice. Lance stood up exhaustedly, his drained looking eyes wandered before climbing up to meet with Keith's glossy and worry filled ones.

"Yeah," Lance groaned, "how long was I in there?"

"Three years." Keith said seriously.

"WHAT?!" Lance screeched in disbelief, "SERIOUSLY?!"

"No, try four days." Keith chuckled.

"Asshole." Lance huffed hitting him in the shoulder; it wasn't very hard, still weak. "Were my injuries bad?"

"You broke your arm, had a severe concussion, and bruised a few bones." Keith helped him to sit down.

"Yeesh..." Lance breathed, "What about Blue?"

"A little damaged; Pidge got her fixed up though."

"Good." Lance smiled.

"You're probably hungry, do you want anything?" Keith asked.

"Heck yes!" Lance said excitedly. His stomach made a grumbling sound in response.

Keith supported him standing up, but Lance tripped over his own foot and fell into the raven haired boy.

They were really close, and they could feel each other's breath. Keith leaned hooking his arm under Lances legs lifting him up bridal style.

"Woah, Keith!" Lance exclaimed immediately clinging to him tightly. His arm was wrapped behind Keiths neck and the other tightly gripped his opposite shoulder.

"Relax. I'm taking you to the kitchen." Keith said taking them out pf the room.

When Lance realized how effortless it was for Keith to carry him, he relaxed a bit. His hand slid down from his shoulder and instead rested pressed against Keith's chest. Lances head, heavy with sleep, laid on Keith's shoulder; his eyelashes tickled Keith's neck.

Lance was half asleep when they made it to the kitchen. Keith set him down to sit on the counter. He watched Keith sleepily as he made a PB&J. He handed the plate to Lance and he ate it quickly.

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