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"But, coooaaachhh....!" They whined when Shiro instructed them to run five laps around the gym. "Go, you lazy sacks of hormones!"

They all stubbornly broke out into a fatigued run. All... except for Lance. He happily sprinted around with his long legs. One stride covered three of Pidge's. "Tired already guys? And Pidge?" He added.

Hunk pouted and Pidge cut Lance a sharp look telling him to shut his mouth. Pidge managed to argue her way onto the boys basketball team despite being four feet tall and female. She said the only reason she wanted to join was because she was bored and wanted to kick people in the shins to steal the ball. That last part was a joke, she actually did enjoy the sport. And for being half the size of everyone on the team, she was amazing. Lance claimed that because of her small stature, she had less resistance, and that's why she was lightning quick. She told him he was an idiot.

Hunk was only there because Lance had begged him. Hunk claimed to be more of a baseball person. Lance convinced him by promising he'd sign up for baseball with him when the time came. Hence, why Hunk was on the verge of tears running around the court to prepare for a game he didn't want to play. He decided it was worth it to have someone to practice with when baseball season came. Pidge even agreed to argue her way into the team so they could be a trio then too.

"You guys are versing the Blades tomorrow." Shiro yelled. That was the East school, it wasn't far, not even a 10 minute drive. "My little brother is going to destroy you." He said proudly.

"You have a little brother that plays?" Lance asked taking a swig of water already finished with the laps.

"Yup, he's edgy, but a hard worker. You'll like him. That is if you can get passed the embarrassment of losing to him." Shiro laughed confidently.

"As if," Lance picked up a ball and dribbled it lazily.

"If you play like you did today, expect a loss." Shiro said wheeling in the equipment.

"Gee, thanks for the encouragement." Lance laughed throwing the ball, it landed in the bin with the rest.

"You're welcome." Shiro smirked locking up the equipment closet.

Crowds of people filed in and sat on the bleachers. Team voltron was stretching and tossing around basketballs practicing. It was a home game meaning the Blades would be visiting. When they showed, they began to do the same.

"Alright! We're starting defense! Lance, you block #2 and Pidge..." Shiro assigned everyone their positions.

The game started and the gym raged with screaming, cheering, the ball bouncing, and shoes screeching along the floor. Lance spotted a jersey with the #2 and he moved quickly. The boy already had the ball and twirled around. They were on Voltron's court side and Lance immediately threw his arms up to guard.

He froze seeing the dark haired boy. His violet eyes were wild and thrashed looking in every direction to quickly analyze the situation. Lance was focused on how he moved, still dribbling. His hair was longer and pulled back into a loose ponytail causing Lances breath to catch in his throat. The boy ran past him leaving the stunned Lance. It was when the opponent bleachers began to roar that Lance snapped back into reality. His eyes blinked a few times and he looked to see Shiro writing down the score.

Lance turned around to see the boy holding the ball again tossing it to the referee. The boy gave a small glance to him before focusing back on the game.

Lance smiled widely. This would be fun.

It was no lie that the Blade was better than Voltron, but the score was close. Most of the game, it was Lance and the boy one on one blocking each other or trying to steal the ball.

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