Bippoty boppity boo muggle f'ers

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Weird things have been happening lately. Not weird as in 'puberty weird' but as in 'this is legitimately breaking all laws of physics and is not possible' weird. What I mean is, things I can't explain have been happening.

For example, I was frustrated over a test grade and the water in my cup began to boil. Or, I was crossing the street and some teenagers were driving fast around the corner. I should, in theory, have been hit. But the car had stopped a centimeter away from my hand. I don't understand.

My emotions are easily being taken out of proportions. I was excited about a movie coming out and I swear, from the corner of my eye, I saw flowers bloom. Maybe I'm just going insane.

"Hey, you look like shit." Pidge smiled sitting next to me with her tray.

"Thank you. I try." I smiled back sarcastically.

Keith sat down across from me pulling out his earbuds in the process. "Hey."

"Hi." I said a little quicker than I meant to.

"Oh, hold up, I see Hunk." Pidge stood up. "I have to ask his girlfriend something about history." She took off leaving Keith and I.

"You look like shit." He observed.

"That's the second time." I glared.

"Sorry, you look like you haven't slept in ages." He stabbed at his green beans.

"It feels like I haven't. I didn't sleep last night is all." I sighed.

Keith's eyes flicked up to meet mine. "Why's that?"

"Prefer not to talk about it." I scratched at my hand.

"Okay, I'm here if you need to." Keith looked at me seriously. My heart skipped a beat.

I scratched at my hand again. And again. I looked up at Keith who was looking out the windows. I scratched again.

My eyes felt like they were burning and hands felt hot. I scratched again. There was a shooting pain from my fingertips through my arms. I gasped doubling over and squeezing my eyes shut tightly. My hands were clasped together tightly.

My eyes hurt, there was a constant pain rushing through my hands and arms and my head was starting to pound.

"Lance?" He asked worried slightly. "Lance are you okay?" He said far more urgently.

I opened my eyes to see my hands had a blue aura surrounding them. Parts of my skin in the shape of rips and tears shown the deep fluorescent color.

I looked up to Keith. My hands were under the table and I breathed heavily. He was standing up in panic. "Are you oka- Lance." He said a little freaked out. "Lance your eyes."

I quickly shoved my hands under my armpits and ran to the bathroom. Pain still surged through every joint in my finger as I slammed the bathroom door shut. I held my hands out in front of me and they look like they're surrounded in blue flames.

I cried out and turned on a faucet plugging the bottom. I'm sure this isn't what it really feels like to have your hands on fire, I'm sure that's more excruciating, but this still hurts like no other. I dipped my hands into the ice cold water and felt nothing. The pain still proceeded. The water began to boil and I ripped my hands from it.

Tears were running down my cheeks. Out of fear and confusion and mild pain. I looked up in the mirror and saw my eyes were glowing a light fluorescent blue similar to my hands. Even my tears steamed with a fiery blue.

There was a knock at the door.

"Lance, it's me, Keith. Are you okay?" I heard. His voice was stern and I almost wanted to open the door. Let him in. Let him help me.

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