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Sorry, there's just so many prompts I can use having to do with Lance being a merman. It really fits with his whole water element thing he's got going for him.

I grabbed my bag excitedly. I had a few things in it including my lucky spork. Humans made the invention, a cross over between a fork and A SPOON!!! I'm convinced the object is lucky and let's face it, I need all the luck I can get.

When a mer turns 18, they celebrate by luring an innocent human to their death. How's that for a gift?

My parents are ecstatic for me to lure a poor girl to her death. It's done to 'honor our ancestors'. They would of course enchant sailors and drown them. I suppose they're called sirens in Greek mythology; what a rude name.

But today, I'll be enchanting a person and drowning them myself. I feel my heart sink in my chest because I know I can't do it. I can't kill anyone!

My family said their goodbyes, hugging me and telling me how proud they were. I hate it because I know I'm going to disappoint them. I thought of the chances of me getting to use my legs, I doubt it. I only used my legs twice and I was young.

I swam in the direction of shore watching my home fade into the darkness of the water.

Not a moment later, the surface was visible and I had butterflies in my stomach; not the good kind.

When the summer air hit my skin I quickly rubbed my face anxiety overflowing in my head. I scanned the beach about 30 meters out. I squinted at the distant bodies slowly swimming forward. There was many women, beautiful ones at that. I had an aura that was supposed to put people in a so called 'dream like state', just like in the tales of my ancestors.

Then my eyes fell upon a boy. "Son of a beach." I whispered breathlessly. I watched as he hid under a large sun umbrella putting on SPF 100. He was pale with jet black hair. The boy was wearing swimming trunks and only that. He was strong but not overly muscular. Beautiful.

I snapped back into reality when his eyes locked with mine. Oh no. I quickly dive back under the surface and my heart did flip flops as my cheeks heated up to a temperature that could not be normal. I swam closer to shore but went further off to the left behind a cluster of rocks.

I breached the surface once again and leaned on the rocks watching the boy again.

He was looking out at the water still where I was. Someone a bit taller and more muscular with a prosthetic arm said something to him. The boy turned and nodded at him and walked in his direction but took another glance back at the water.

I felt my head slide off my hand and I shot up. I had to leave, I couldn't kill any of these people, especially the boy.

I watched as he got in the water, out fairly far in fact. I went under and swam in his direction. I saw his legs slowly kicking, just enough for him to stay up.

I should leave. I reached out and grabbed his leg. Before he could pull away I ripped him down underwater.

He thrashed for a moment before opening his eyes. When he did he opened his mouth for only a moment and bubbles floated up to the surface.

I should really leave. I grabbed his hand pulling him closer. I don't know if he was curious or just too frightened to move but he did nothing.

I leaned forward completely oblivious and kissed him. He seemed to enjoy it for a moment before pulling away and trying to make a break for the surface. I forgot he couldn't breath.

I don't know if he went back under to see if I was there because I quickly swam back toward home. My heart was going a million miles an hour and I couldn't think.

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