One Shot One

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"Guys! Guys! You'll never believe what I got, you'll love love it." Lance yelled running in holding a bag excitedly.

"Lance, is this anything like last time when we'd love this 'special fruit that tastes like berries' but really it was so horrible Hunk threw up." Shiro sighed.

"No! It's nothing like that, and for the record it did! ... the first time." He said defensively.

"Fine, let us see it." Everyone walked over and watched skeptically.

"Here it is," he yelled pulling out a game of twister. "See! Told you!"

Everyone slowly formed grins as they shared glances around the room.

"Set it up." Shiro said ecstatically running over like a child. Even Keith looked excited which made Lance smile proudly.

Lance laid out the map as everyone waited in anticipation. Alright who's going first.

After a few Rock Paper Scissors fights, Lance, Keith and Pidge were decided to go first.

Shiro was the spinner and some time into the game things were beginning to feel a little set up. Pudge was happily playing in the easiest position ever while Keith and Lance were straining themselves to stay up. Not to mention the fact that Keith's butt was two inches from Lances nose.

"Lance! Right hand on red!" Hunk called.

Lance paused a single moment as an idea crept into his mind. Without a second thought he slapped Keith's butt. In pure shock Keith immediately dropped to the ground and Pidge was laughing so hard she couldn't maintain the position either.

"I win!" Lance yelled standing up and throwing a fist in the air as everyone stood in shock, Pidge was doubled over laughing and Keith was a blushing mess. "You idiot! That was cheating!" He yelled stumbling over words a bit.

"Hey! Don't blame me! It was right there!" Lance threw his hands up defensively.

"LANCE!" Keith yelled his face as red as his jacket.

This was a really short one to start off with but oh well!

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