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Shiro clapped his hands together getting everyone's attention. "Alright paladins! We have a new mission!"

Lance groaned in response, "Didn't we just get back from a mission?"

"Yes, but now we are going on another one. It's to a planet called Zeklar. We are going to be staying there for a couple of days in order to show them we are in fact here to help them and defeat Zarkon." Shiro explained.

"But whhyyy?" Lance whined.

"Because we said so." Shiro said like the dad he is. "Get your things packed."

"Wait, we're not staying in the ship?" Keith asked.

"Nope, we have to show that they can trust us."

With that, the paladins all began packing a few essentials they would need for three days. They all met back at the center of the ship with a duffel bag each... except for Lance.

"Why do you have so much stuff?!" Pidge asked.

"Well this bag is for all my skin and hair products. These two are cloths. Oh, and this one is stuff for if I get bored." Lance gestured to each bag.

"Yup, that's Lance for you." Hunk sighed.

"Why do you have two bags of cloths?" Keith asked. "It's only three days,"

"Because what if something happens and I need a backup pair of jeans! Or if I change my mind and don't want to wear something!"

"You practically wear the same thing everyday." Keith folded his arms.

"You did not just say that!" Lance looked offended. But before he could respond, Shiro walked in.

"Alright Paladins. We're landing, treat these people with utmost respect, they're easily offended." Shiro explained.

As they closed in to land of the planet they noticed how much of a jungle this place really is. They followed Allura and Coran out of the ship where they are greeted by the inhabitants of the planet.

"You will be staying in one of our finest tree houses," the leader said leading everyone up into the trees. "We hope you enjoy."

When they left the paladins looked at the massive building with only a couple rooms.

"Okay, Pidge and Allura, you can share a room sense you're both female. Lance and Keith, you can take that one there and Hunk, Coran, and I will take the last one." Shiro said.

"Sounds like a splendid plan!" Coran played with his mustache.

"Wait, WHAT?! Why do me and Keith have to share a room?!" Lance whined.

"Because, you need to work on bonding." Shiro sighed pulling his bag into his and the other two's room.

"So unfair." He huffed.

Keith rolled his eyes and picked up his bag. Lance followed him in dragging all of his. They both dropped their stuff and looked around. Upon both of them realizing the bunk bed, they both glanced at each other before taking off to get it before the other.

"I top!" Lance yelled.

"In your dreams!" Keith called out pulling him down to keep him from climbing. "I'm topping!"

Klance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now