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Yeah so... I have a fever.

That's inspirational to me apparently.

Lance woke up at two in the afternoon to pounding on his door. Normally he was one for sleeping in but this was far beyond sleeping in.

It soon became apparent that there was not just the pounding of the door that caused him to wake up, but the pounding in his head as well. He groaned in pain as he rubbed his eyes.

"C'mon Lance! You're being lazy!" Someone yelled from the other side of the door.

He pushed the blankets back and peeled himself from bed. He felt triple his normal weight as he shuffled limply turning on his lights. He sniffled feeling how congested he was. Lance opened his mouth to speak but immediately chose not to as his throat felt like it got in a fight with a cheese grater.

Suddenly he remembered what he had for dinner last night making a sprint for the bathroom and doubling over in the toilet.

"Lance you're being ridiculous! If you're not in the training room in 10, we're breaking down your door." Someone yelled.

He paid little attention, as he was throwing up after all.

When he was finished he sat miserably on the bathroom floor. Minutes had passed already and because he would prefer the paladins not to tear the door from the wall he stood up. He shuffled finding his under armor and sliding it on. His skin was sensitive and the fabric was harsh.

He grabbed his bayard and exited his room feeling woozy and sick. He wandered onto the training deck out of breath looking up to see the room was deserted... well, excluding Keith.

Lance sighed taking a deep breath but breaking into a cough.

"Where were you- you look like shit." He started off annoyed and rude but his observation also caused a tone change to a more stolid statement.

"Thanks buddy." Lance gave him a thumbs up while doubling over feeling like he was going to vomit. Without a second thought he was darting for the nearest trash can.

Keith was frozen, unsure of what to do and bewildered. Thankfully Lance managed to keep most of his organs inside him, however he almost felt sure he saw a kidney in the retch.

Lance was breathing heavy waiting to feel well enough to stand. He almost jumped at the feeling of a comforting hand on his back. Lance looked up lazily to see an awkward Keith trying to help.

"You don't have to do this you know?" Lance said sniffling through a congested nose.

"I know." Keith kneeled down and wrapped an arm around Lance letting him lean on him.

"I might get you sick." Lance pointed out in a low gravely voice that sent shivers up Keith's spine.

"Not a chance. I don't get sick." Keith smiled.

Lance smiled too snuggling into him. "But what about my puke breath?"

"I'll just have to stop breathing." Keith joked.

Lance gave him a scowl.

"I'm kidding, you don't smell like puke. Besides, when have you cared what I think about you anyway?" Keith said harmlessly.

Lance gave him another look.


"I happen to care very much what you think about me." Lance pouted still cuddled into said boy.

"You have no reason to." Keith said.

"Actually, I have nearly every reason in the book to." Lance responded lazily.

"And why is that?" Keith asked.

Lance pretended he fell asleep and he heard Keith sigh.

"I wasn't born yesterday, answer the question."

"It's none of your business." Lance pulled away.

"How is it none of my business?" Keith asked stressed, his voice cracking in the midst of talking. When Lance responded with silence, he decided to let it go for now as he was sick. "Fine. Let's just get you back to your room."

Keith helped Lance up taking him back to his room where the awful day had begun.

"You can go ahead and change." Keith said turning around.

Lance did so sitting on the end of his bed for stability. When he was done he walked to Keith and hugged his back. Keith was taken off guards and chills ran up his spine.

Lance was wearing plaid pajama pants with no shirt and Keith nearly lost it. He turned around tucking Lance into the bed and pushing some hair out of his face. They both stood still as Keith's fingers still laced Lances hair. The two leaned in thinking only of the same thing until Lance quickly stopped him.

"You could get sick." He said

"I don't get sick, remember." Keith responded still caught in the moment.

Lance was going to protest but he desperately wanted to kiss him. And so they did.

The next day they both woke up extremely sick.

"I told you so." Lance said smugly as Keith scowled at him.

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